Chapter 7

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The first shooting day was pretty good, and I was really enjoying working with Eminem.

Unlike my sister, I didn't listened to Eminem's music on the daily. I knew who he was, obviously, and liked some of his songs. A very vivid memory of Tigerlily signing 'We Made You' on her room on the summer of 2009 while I begged by her door to turn it down so I could study for my exams, played on my head as I surfed the internet on my phone while resting on the sofa.

I decided to do a little research on the rapper so I could be more familiar with him. I enjoyed most of his songs, I couldn't deny that the songs where the lyrics were more gory, mean and offensive, specially towards women, made me uncomfortable but I really admired the lyricism and technicalities of the majority of the records. Since my dad, and even my mum, were songwriters that 'groomed' me in the beautifulness of wordplay and music, the ability and facility that Eminem had in creating his rhymes, were amazing to me.

While researching, I found diverse 'facts' about the rapper. Marshall Bruce Mathers III... He's 47!? Wow... He has 3 daughters, one biological, the infamous Hailie Jade, and two adopted ones, Alaina, and Whitney. That's so kind!

Fred phoned me at dinner time saying that he was hanging out with his pals from the Pistons, so I decided to wrap up the stalking and go to bed early.

In the morning, I did my usual routine, but this time, I left as soon as Fred left too. I drove to Starbucks to get my hot cocoa and then hit the road for another day of shooting. While in the makeup chair, my phone started going mental with notifications. Bothered, I pick it up.

I found multiple messages and several missed calls from Addy and Sarah.

From: Addy Vennard


From: Addy Vennard


From: Sarah Olsen

Ana, you need to answer your phone quickly!!!

From: Sarah Olsen

Whatever you do, don't talk to the paps!!

What the hell is going on... I excuse myself from Ashley and exit the trailer to phone Addy. After the second ring, she answered.

About fucking time Ana!! Where are you??? Addy asked immediately.

I'm at work! What's going on?? I tried to find a hidden area so I could talk freely. For my luck, and thanks to my British punctuality, it was really early so no one was here yet.

You haven't been on social media??

No... I got up and came straight to work... What happened?? I was already imagining the worse cases scenarios.

Addy got silent.

Addy? What happened? Shit just got serious.

I'm going to send you the article. A second later, the line went dead, and my phone dinged.

I clicked on the link Addy sent me and embraced myself for impact.


Extreme partying with the Detroit Pistons!

TMZ received a video from an anonymous person of the team of the Motor City partying in one of the most exclusive strip clubs in Detroit. The video is from August last year and is a recording of one of the securities cameras. In the video, multiple players are seen drinking alcohol beverages and mingling with some dancers. Even though these events took place during the season, a time the players are supposed to be clean and healthy, these images are not the most shocking... Later in the recording, the security camera switches to one in the VIP room – a room where wealthy clients take dancers to perform other types of acts – and this is the part where we advise for the description of the viewers. In that room are most of the players of the Detroit Pistons and a handful of dancers and they are involved in a collective sex practice. That part of the video is quite short, but it's shown enough time to conclude that the players were involved in a massive orgy."


NEVER LOVE AGAIN - An Eminem storyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin