Camila: "ungrateful brat"[she whispered to harry and rolled her eyes.]

Petunia: [calming him down] Oh, now, now, now. This is what we're going to do, is that when we go out, we're going to buy you two new presents! How's that, pumpkin?

"Nasty Behaviour." mattered Molly Weasley.

[Outside the house morning. The happy family is heading to the car.]

Petunia: This will be a lovely day at the zoo. I'm really looking forward to it.

[Harry and Camila then goes to go in the car, but Vernon stops them, pointing his keys at them.]

Vernon: I'm warning you now, boy, girl. Any funny business, any at all, and you both won't have any meals for a week. Get in.

"That is abuse." shouted many people.

[At the London Zoo. The family is in the reptile house, looking at a large Boa constructor.]

Dudley: Make it move.

All the Purebloods shivered at the thought of ordering their parents.

[Vernon taps the glass of the cage.]

Vernon: Move!

[Dudley taps the glass much harder, and Vernon nervously winces.]

Dudley: MOVE!

Camila: He's asleep!

Dudley: He's boring.

[Dudley and his parents head over to another enclosure. Harry and Camila are left with the snake.]

Harry: Sorry about him. He doesn't understand what it's like, lying there day after day-

Camila: and having people press their ugly faces in on you.

[The snake looks up and blinks.]

Camila: Can you...hear us?

"They're Parselmouth ?" asked Remus.

"But no one is Parselmouth in the Potter family, right dad ?" asked James to his dad at which he nodded.

On the Slytherin table all the Death Eaters glanced between themselves as they thought that these kids share the same ability as their Lord.

[The snake nods]

Harry: It's just...We've never talked to a snake before. Do you...I you talk to people often?

[The snake shakes its head]

Camila: You're from Burma, aren't you? Was it nice there, do you miss your family?

[The snake turns its head in the direction of a sign which says, Bred in Captivity]

Harry: I see. That's us as well. We never knew our parents, either.

[The now awake snake has attracted Dudley's attention. He comes over to the glass, knocking Harry to the floor who pulled Camila with him.]

"That Baby Walrus." shouted Barty Jr.

"Hey don't insult Walruses because of this-this....uhhh....Inhuman thing!" said a random kid from Ravenclaw who loves creatures.

Dudley: Mommy, dad, come here! You won't believe what this snake is doing!

[Dudley puts his hands on the glass wall. With his back turned, Harry and Camila glares at him. Suddenly, the glass disappears, causing Dudley to wretch forward, losing his balance.]

"Woah, their accidental magic is powerful." said Rodolphus.

Dudley: Whoa! Ahh! Ahh!!

[Dudley falls into the snake enclosure, sputtering in a pool of water. Harry snickers while Camila was laughing at Dudley like a menace. The snake gets out of the exhibit, stopping in front of both of them.]

Everyone laughs at this.

Snake: Thanks.

Harry: Anytime.

[The snake slivers off to the exit.]


[There is a lot of screaming as the snake heads for freedom. Dudley gets up to get out, but the glass is now back over the enclosure. Seeing that he is now trapped, he pounds the glass in panic.]

Dudley: Mom, mommy!

Petunia: [notices him in the exhibit] AHH!

Dudley: Mom, help! Help me!

Petunia: My darling boy! How did you get in there?! How did you get in there? Dudley, oh, Dudley!

[Harry and Camila grins and snickers, Vernon notices this and glares down at them. Harry's grin disappears, knowing that he is in trouble with Vernon while Camila just stares at Vernon blankly.]

"If this Man lays a hand on my children than I'm paying a visit to my sister's house in winter holidays and get her out of his grasp." said a fuming Lily.

"You look hot when you're mad." Whispers James in Lily's ears.

"Shut up! you toe-rag." said a blushy Lily while smacking James head.

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