Away I Go

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So of course my dad's mad again that's what always happens. I do the littlest things and he blows up, but I guess this time it was a decent reaction considering I maybe kinda sorta put this bitch in the hospital. In my defense she deserved it. She kept running her mouth and talking shit about me. What else was I supposed to do other than beat the living shit out her. I mean come on now wouldn't you do the same thing.

I guess my dad doesn't agree because he's sending me away again but instead of a mental hospital he's sending me to some guy he knows. Evidently this man is supposed to, and I quote "teach me some fucking respect and much needed discipline", so basically for the next six months my life is going to be a living hell.

I'm trying to think of this as more of an adventure than a punishment. This man I'm going to be staying with lives in Hawaii, and everyone knows that there is hot as guys in Hawaii. So it's a possibility I will meet some hot guy and be having the time of my life while my dad thinks I'm getting taught a lesson.

I don't think my dad understands that no matter how many times he sends me away to these places I won't ever stop, not till he finally gives up on trying to fix me and teach me lessons will I finally quit. You may be asking yourself, "stop doing what?", well in short terms trying to ruin my dad's life. Also another question you may have is, "why would you want that?", another short answer he killed the only person that ever truly cared and loved me. I will never get Miles back and because of him I won't be happy again.

Miles was the only person that could pull me out of my darkest times, he's the reason I was able to feel again after being numb for years. I loved him and I always will. He's also the reason I'm still alive right now and haven't unalived myself yet. His last words to me were make that bastard pay for making you miserable. That bastard being my father.

Another question that you may be asking yourself right now is "how does you beating a bitch up ruin your dad's life?". Well that bitch was my dad's wife. She is the only person that makes him happy. I would have killed her but I want my father to feel real pain I want him to feel as if he lost her and then get her back. I'll let them be happy for awhile and I'll let her injuries heal even. I will let him taste just how good it feels to be able to know that he could have lost her and didn't, then I'll take her away for good. Only I'll make him the one that kills her not me. So the blood will be on his hands not mine, but for now I'll go to this man and let my dad believe I'm being taught a lesson about my behavioral issues and then take everything from him and make him just as miserable as me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2022 ⏰

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