6. suprise

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It had been a week into the hauxted apartment, aka a week since Norse had finally moved in and the apartment was fully unpacked and somewhat organized.

Harvey was more than happy to be living with his two best friends in the world, having Colby over to hang out was just an added bonus.

As much as he knew he probably shouldn't, Harvey occasionally flirted with the other youtuber because in all honesty it was how he was. If he's attracted to a person he let's them know constantly until deeper feelings get involved. Then things get weird.

Besides the point, Harvey had a surprise for basically all three of his closest friends but it would only work if the other party agreed.

Who that party is? None other than Sam Goldbach himself.


--new message to samgolbach--

harveys.hauntings - heyyy so I know this is outta nowhere and we've barely interacted despite the fact that Colby literally always over butttt I need your help with something I think would be sick as fuck

samgolbach - ah so this is the infamous Harvey

Sam - what could u possibly need my help with??

Harvey - well I'm getting surgery done in a couple weeks and will be out for like 2 weeks after

Harvey - so I had the idea to maybe do a collab.

Harvey - it sounds lame I know

Harvey- fight ghosts before I'm out for a month and get rusty

Sam - hell yeah dude! Obviously not because u have to get surgery but I'd love that. Plus Colby will literally not shut up about you

Harvey - aww that's actually adorable

Sam - all he does is talk about you guys I'm serious

Sam - I think he's actually replacing me:(

Harvey - awe its okay Sam he wouldn't replace u for the world I'm sure of it <3

Sam - thanks buddy:)


Yanking himself up, Harvey laughs as Colby groans before stealing the pillow that was previously in his lap.

"You want anything Mr. Grumps?"

With no response, Harvey rolls his eyes before grabbing a water from the fridge then returning to the couch.

"Hey so Sam is down for a collab. Got any ideas?"

Colby sat up a little suprised, he really didn't know when Harvey reached out to Sam and didn't think Sam would want to after how much Colby had been over at the apartment. It was an almost daily occurrence now and Colby was popping up in almost any video the three residents would post, even though they all avoided getting him in the background too much.

"Not really..." for a reason he didn't really know, Colby sunk back in his seat and scooted closer to Harvey as Norse sat down on the couch, catching the remote tossed by Salem. Norse flicked through at  least a couple channels before switching over to Netflix and turning on a random show.

"Harvey, we should go to that abandoned train station thing and see if you and Sae's demon lover is still there."

"Demon what?!" The other three burst out in laughter at Colby's understandably concerned statement. Harvey shook his head and relayed the basic story of what happened.

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