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you and bruno had a beautiful baby girl and named her 'Aliya' since you two thought it was pretty and adorable. she was a curious little girl and was surprisingly smart

she got along with her cousins a lot. she liked seeing Luisa pick up huge things,she loved seeing Camilo shape shift and making her laugh,she loved hearing things from Dolores,she loved getting flowers from Isabella,she loved playing with the animals with Antonio,and she absolutely loved watching Mirabel sew and make pretty skirts.

you and bruno were so proud of her and loved her with her whole heart. alma loved her more then you and bruno. you loved seeing alma hold her grand daughter. seeing everyone love her as much as you do,made you wanna cry happily

but the day came,Aliya got a gift. as you and everyone else watched her walk down and to her door,she touched the door and the gift she got was amazing,her gift was super smarts. she did help her cousins and family once in a while and she loved helping other people with her gift.

she always asked about you but you just told her that you were married into the family

"i wish you had a gift mommy" she said to you one day "me too but  your father having a gift is the only thing i need in my life" you reply to her looking at bruno

"how did you and daddy meet?" she asks. you look at bruno and smile "it was a long story sweetie" you say to her "i wanna hear it!" she says. you smile and chuckle. "alright" you say and start telling her about you and bruno and how you met and what happened before her,your marriage to bruno,and before meeting bruno

you see the smiles on her face and fascination

she used your story for a project one year and she passed. you and bruno were proud and happy for her

you and bruno never stopped loving Aliya from the day she was born. of course you and bruno didn't favorite her,you loved everyone equally but she was just a little more special..

                                        the end

well this is the end. more parts of "our future" will be out hopefully tomorrow morning,afternoon,or evening I'm not sure but like i said last time,more Luca stories in the future! bye bye!

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