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Winter. Spring. Summer. Autumn... Seasons change time. Time lasts longer. So many things happen in my life, I want to share... My family is living their lives to the possibilities. As well I am too in my life. I lay on the blanket grass, watching the flowers blooming surrounding my sanctuary. Here I am, alone, hearing the birds chirping for spring coming along. Taking a deep breath of flowery air, a cool breeze comes upon me.

Speaking of my family living to possibilities, Patrick confessed his truth after the wedding to Eimear. I was hoping he would tell her at any cost, but somehow he did it unexpectedly. Eimear was heartbroken by the news and wants some time on her own. Patrick stays some night on his couch, doing curfew, and spending more time with his daughters than he rarely did before. Eimear talked to me about how she fell in love with my brother again as her husband and father to her daughters. They both worked it out in any possible way. Maybe marriage do last longer if we communicate and understand one another.

Della begins her life with her soulmate Emily. Of course, they didn't get married or anything but it didn't matter to her. All she wants in her life is her partner. Her career as a comedian became a success, she's been traveling around Europe. Spreading laughter and joy to people, hearing her silly remarks. One day, she meets her son in Africa and begins to fall in love with him. Emily and Della talk things over, and they begin to adopt a baby boy in Africa who's looking for a family. Now I become an aunt to her two young children. A boy from Africa, and a girl from an orphanage.

My Little John, he thought things over what he truly wanted to do in his life. He asked me for one favor. A phone number of Nathan. He had been studying hard at Princeton College. It's been really hard to have a long distance. But somehow, he graduated early... My grandfather told me that Leo is a masterpiece student in his college. He's been studying Media and Communication. I couldn't be more proud of my brother...

He began to make a foundation for raising money for orphanages around Europe, and in some cases, some in the United States. Leonardo Day's Foundation. He has been getting all the recognition he always wanted for a longer time than just a baby brother. Getting more money to help, and some humanitarian awards, especially a medal of freedom from the President of the United States of America.

Leo's been struggling to find someone in his life until he found a woman named Rachel. He met her in the United States when he was helping in one of her orphanages. Leo said it was love at first sight. Now he's living in New York City with his fiancee, Rachel.

Edward, something happens to him for sure. The moment Marsha throws him out of her house, he's been arrested in her house. While the police were investigating her home along with her daughter, they found something really disturbing. With evidence. They found a box of my personal needs, including my underwear when I was 11, and pictures of me, under the bed inside the vent. He's now in prison as a sex offender for 30 years without parole. The judge called him and I quote the most disgusting case she has ever seen. Now Edward is living his life in prison with my father, Andre, they both become best friends due to the circumstances.

I feel sorry for Marsha, almost wasting her life on this monster. After the invasion, she moved out of the house and moved to London. Her daughter Cali, is presenting what Marsha wants. A relationship with her daughter into a grown woman graduated from uni. Cali becomes a teacher to deaf children in London. Taught many children some educational needs and their second language, English. Marsha couldn't be prouder for her daughter as she continues to work for her husband's company and live on living as a single mother of independence.

For Mom, she continues being in a relationship with Nathan. No marriage, no abusivement. Laughter and communication to one another. Things were hard due to the long distance between Mom and Nathan for his teachings. They both worked it out by having him do online classes with his students as he lives happily in Devon, so he can visit his granddaughter.

𝑅𝑒𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑛 - 𝐵𝑒𝑛𝑗𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑛 𝐺𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑛𝑒Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz