𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛

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Mia entered the light. The light was so warm that she felt anything was possible. She follows the light through the shadows. Consumed in darkness. Following that light, it revealed a castle. A single castle in a town she never heard of. She grabbed her armor, ready to defend herself. From that moment on, the light lies before her. The flickering, oval shape, coming to her.

"Mia..." It says, "Welcome to your safe place. I know about your rivalry with the Darkness. The true darkness in our kingdom. You defend your honor, your badge, most importantly yourself. I guide you here. For your name. A name you had not pledged from the moment you were born."

My hands type faster than ever. Time flies. Not giving up. Every wording, every setting, every character I made goes along with the plot I got inspired from today. Benjamin checks me in with my drinks every hour as he goes upstairs, studying away, while I'm typing. Benjamin's right; I could feel somebody in my heart, and soul. Experiencing what I am doing, with my own fictional story.

As the time lasts, Benjamin enters the room one more time as I am finishing my tenth chapter. "Hey, Lia... It's 10 pm."

I look at Benjamin, shockingly, "It is?" Benjamin nods and I look at the clock on my computer and it is indeed. "Wow... for some reason, I didn't think my stomach was growling."

Benjamin laughs and I reach my arms up to stretch my back. "While you were writing, I made our dinner for us so when you're done with your chapter. Come along, love."

"I will. Thanks." I smile at Benjamin and he left the room. As I finish my chapter with my last sentence, I won't surrender my truth, from powerful Mia. I look at the time it was 15 minutes past, I walk to the kitchen and there he is, Benjamin, cooking our dinner.

Not only did he just cook for us, but he also lit the candles on our table and presented a beautiful, romantic setting. I walk to him, wrap my arms around his waist and give him a kiss on his cheek. "Hi..."

"My love..." Benjamin smiles at me, and I observe his cooking. He's making some spaghetti and meatballs for all of us including the bread I made a few days ago... Never thought that Benjamin would cook something for me, for us. But I wouldn't mind at all.

"Maybe I should keep writing all night then." Benjamin and I laugh together. "It looks delicious. Thank you." I sit at our usual dining table in the kitchen. Benjamin serves my dinner on a plate along with bread and my water in the wine glass. "So I wrote ten chapters and I cannot wait to punch Anna's face with relief that it is over."

Benjamin laughs, "As I said, Lia, I'm proud of you and I haven't finished reading your novel, but I'm getting to it. No spoilers."

I laugh at Benjamin's comment as he takes his seat beside me. I lift my glass to preserve a short toast, "To us."

"To us..." We clink our glasses, giving me a memory of where we first met. How odd that Benjamin went from stranger to the love of my life, I couldn't ask for anything more than him. We begin our dinner as Benjamin starts the conversation. "What do you want for our wedding? Clearly, we haven't discussed this, but I want to have the wedding you dream about."

Gazing at him while smiling, "Well, like I said I like to have a wedding in autumn. Not too warm or cool, just at the right temperature where leaves are falling. I don't want to have a big wedding, just friends and family. Ceremony: in the woods. Reception: I don't really know, maybe our home? Maybe Mom's home? I can imagine Lottie throwing leaves as I make an entrance at the altar."

"With no one giving you away?"

I shrug, "Maybe by myself... then I would look at you waiting for me. Entering the next chapter of our lives." Benjamin smiles, and he kisses my hand.

𝑅𝑒𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑛 - 𝐵𝑒𝑛𝑗𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑛 𝐺𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑛𝑒Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu