Chapter 1

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Scarlett's P.O.V


"I have to do what's best for my son," I replied as a few tears ran down my cheek.

"Baby put-," he said wincing, "put the gun down,"

"I am so-" I choked out, stopping to take a deep breath, "I am so sorry,"


"I love you," I breathed out as I kissed him, plunging a knife deep into his chest.


And over.

And over again.

I love you.

4 Years Later

It had been four, long, painful years since that night. I hadn't seen my father and his family since then and Lord only knows what happened to my mother who was apparently sick. Nothing had been heard from or about Alex's Mafia since that night, and I could only assume that I was the reason it finally fell apart for good. Federico was the traitor. Cade, the intruder. But I? I was the kryptonite. The one who lead to Alex's ultimate downfall and eventual death.

There wasn't a day that passed by that I didn't think about that night. The night I took the only man who loved me and my son out of our lives for good. I had to lose one thing I loved in order to gain another, but every night that passes it has me thinking: was there another way?

Could Alex and I have made it together?

Could we have gotten Axel back unharmed?

Would we have been living our happily ever after by now?

So many questions, too little answers. It hurt my heart to think about it. You would think that after four years, one would simply get over it and move on. Accept their fate and live with it. But I couldn't. These questions consumed me day in and day out. So much so that no matter how painful Cade's sporadic torture would be, Alex was always on my mind, easing the pain in some twisted way.

"Momma! Momma! Look what me and Mara drew!" My four-year-old son Axel said as he ran into the bedroom, bringing me back to the present, as his one-and-a-half-year-old sister, Amara, trailed behind him.

Yeah, I had another one of his kids. It wasn't by choice, but if we're being honest here, there wasn't much else I was good for, anyway. He wasn't happy that it was a girl, but at least I had someone else to keep me company in the prison I called my home.

"What did you draw, honey?" I asked as I helped them both crawl onto the bed.

"It's you, and me, and Mara, and daddy," he beamed as he pointed to each of us on the white piece of paper, stick figures and scribbles littering the corners.

Right, you still think your daddy is a good person. If only you knew.

"That's great, honey," I replied with a small smile.

"I was going to show daddy, but he told me to get out his office," he said, his eyes somewhat glossy.

"Your daddy gets busy with work, honey. You got to understand," I said as I ran my hands through his hair.

"Mama! Mama!" Amara said as she crawled into my lap.

"Yes, my love?" I asked as I tickled her lightly.

"Poplate?" she asked as I chuckled.

"Do you mean chocolate, honey?" I asked.

"Yeah. Poplate," she said again.

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