"...I'm gay, Al."

Alpha couldn't tear his eyes away. It was the first time in a while Beta felt like they were understanding each other. Despite the situation, it felt like some sort of weight had been lifted off his shoulders.



"Are you messing with me? You are the most vile person if you are still messing with me." Alpha hissed, shaking his head a few times to emphasize his point.

"I'm not. I like guys too."



Alpha took a sharp breath in before putting his sunglasses on.

"So you're copying me now? Ha... "

"What?! God, I knew you were gonna say that-"

"I'm joking..." Alpha took one more drag out of his cigarette before flicking it to the ground, stomping on it. "Well fuck, Beta you must hate yourself more than I did with the shit you said."

"I do. I do a lot, Alpha."

"Pitiful. But understandable."

"You aren't going to ask why I said the stuff I did even with being gay?"

"Do I have to? I think I know, but if you wish to elaborate then do so. Hell, did you know this even when I first brought Charlie around? Because you have been a monster to me since the beginning."

"I had an idea."

"Go on."

"I like dudes, Al, and I was scared to open up to the family. I thought to myself that I shouldn't ever or at least when I finally moved out. But then you just come along and come out like it wasn't no big deal. And mom accepted you like that?! It made me so upset."

"I see."

"Like can I even come out now? Wouldn't mom be disappointed that now she has two gay sons, like fuck? Especially that I am the gross smelly one."

"Did it make you want to die?"

"Uh, what?.."

"Did it make you want to die?"

"Alpha, what?.. " Beta stared at him.

"I felt like I wanted to die when I first realized I had these feelings."

"Oh... I never knew you did." The younger sibling's eyes traveled to the concrete in front of him, memories of how he used to act flooded into his mind.

"I was able to find comfort in myself. Eventually I found love and I was happy. But when you said those words about dad and how much he would hate me, those feelings came back."

"I'm sorry Alpha, I am so fucking sorry. I don't wish death on you. We have always been at each other's throats but at the end of the day you still are my brother. I love you."

"I... I don't think I can forgive you, at least for a while... But coming out to me today did mean a lot to me. For the first time I see myself in you."

Alpha sighed as he lowered himself down to sit next to Beta. He took his sunglasses off completely and hung it off his shirt, it was so alien to see his eyes so red.

"I'm scared to lose him too, Beta. I would be so lost without him. So lost. His mental health isn't the best as you know..."


"And if anyone hurt him, I would go feral without even thinking."

"I know." Beta whispered, letting his thoughts run through his head for a moment. He remembered the past timeline, the garbage place and the pumpkin demon. It made his stomach twist uncomfortably - "We are a really fucked up family..."

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