- Prologue -

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October 10th, XX - The Fourth Shinobi World War



She dropped on her knees with her hands covering her eyes, tears streaming down her cheeks beside her two teammates. Her dead two teammates. To be precise, the ash remains of her dead two teammates. Naruto and Sasuke charged at Kaguya with nothing but their last spurt of energy, chakra, and rage. Ignoring Sakura's pleads of regrouping and healing. Kakashi was still lying on the ground in shock of Obito's sacrificing himself and using Kamui* to ultimately save Kakashi's life. 

Kaguya sliced through Naruto's and Sasuke's outstretched arms, cutting them from their respective bodies. Kaguya kicked Naruto aside and sent her All-Killing Ash Bone** after him. At the same time, Black Zetsu appears from Kaguya's sleeve and use the same All-Killing Ash Bone to hit Sasuke on his chest. Sakura's eyes widens as she sees more and more of Sasuke deteriorate and turns to ash. Naruto's screams are inaudible to her ears, but by instinct she whipped her head to see Naruto getting hit by the same technique. Those few seconds felt like years as Sakura's tears started to stream down her cheeks. Kakashi finally snapped his head up to see the last parts of Naruto and Sasuke disintegrate.  And suddenly the world goes dark...


"Wake up..."




"Wake up my dear children"

Sakura and Kakashi's eyes snapped open at the repeating voice. Though calming and peaceful, they both can't help but be wary of it. Considering all they can see is each other and that they are in a pitch black area, they reached for their weapons and notices that their weapon pouches are not strapped on their legs. Looking at each other, they note that they don't have a single bruise at all, while they were sure that their bodies received a lot of heavy blows in the war. 

"Be at ease, children..."

The voice spoke again and both shinobis cast their eyes towards the sound. Not long after, a floating figure of an aged man, with two little horns on his head, spiky hair, pale skin, and is that the rinnegan?

"My name is Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo, and I called you here upon the deaths of my sons", the figure spoke. 

Stunned, Kakashi and Sakura looked at each other and Kakashi opened his mouth "...your sons?"

Smiling as he set his black staff on his thighs, he answers "Yes, my sons' incarnation, Indra and Ashura, you know them as Sasuke and Naruto."

Recognition fell on the two shinobi's faces as Sakura's eyes glistens once more, she stood firm and held back her tears as she says "What do you want, Hagoromo-san? Sasuke and Naruto are both dead. What more could you possibly want?" 

Hagoromo's face showed sympathy and grief, but his eyes never left Kakashi and Sakura who are now standing next to each other in alarm. Kakashi's eyes fell on Sakura's face, noting the reddening of her cheeks caused by the unshed tears she refused to let flow. 

"My dear children, I know the burden you carry is unbearable, I humbly ask for forgiveness for the life that the two of you has lived through. And I ask for you two, the last and undoubtedly the most powerful shinobi to have persevere, to be my last act of redemption..."

As he finished, he taps the ground with his staff, behind him, all nine tailed beasts appeared. 

"I'm here to ask the two of you to complete a mission, your last mission, if you will."

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