Teddy bear

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Sana POV

With the loads of tickets all four of us were holding we all trudged to the prize booth hoping to snag something good. My eyes caught two bright pink and blue stuffed Care Bears "OH MY GOD THOSE ARE SO CUTE!!!" I couldn't hold in my excitement lifting my arms up while shaking my head. Immediately counting my tickets I realized I was I came up short and could only get one, handing all my tickets in to the guy he took down just the one blue care bear which still made me happy but kind of disappointed.

Hugging my new teddy I just stared at the pink one sighing, I felt Tzuyu brush against me with her load of tickets. "All these for the Pink bear please" I gasped there's no way she's getting that for me it'll cost her more than half of her tickets! "Oh and can I get the small dog plushie too" the guy just nodded and reached up for the two toys. Turning around with her two teddy's she looked at me and pushed
the pink care bear towards me. "Are you serious Tzuyu! That was almost all your tickets!" "Yeah but it's for you" out of excitement and appreciation I pulled her in for a tight hug "Thank you Thank you Thank you!!" I squealed grabbing the pink and blue
Care Bears and squeezing them against me "those are so cute Sana!" Nayeon said while pointing at my new teddy bears and leaning against Jeongyeon . "I know Tzuyu got it for me" I bragged to my friends while flipping my hair "Well chaeyoung got me this cute penguin" Mina bragged while stretching her arms out holding the plushie in the air "Yeah cause your cute walk makes you look like one" Chaeyoung said while squishing Mina's cheeks with one hand and kissing her forehead "Oh... Oh wow now I don't want it" "Hey! I mean they're cute! Your walk is cute!" "Oh sure how can a penguin be cute!" "They are babe!
At least to me!"  everyone laughed while mina
stormed out with chae following close behind.

"Thanks again Tzuyu for the teddy" I said reaching for her for another tight embrace half the reason for showing appreciation and the other half just to feel her hold me again. "I thought you would like it better than me, what are you gonna name it?" I started to think "how about tzu?" "tzu?" "Yeah and you can name your dog shasha" "Alright deal" she said
poking my pink teddy and smiling. "You guys ready to head out?" Jeongyeon said while looking lovingly at Nayeon who was in the passenger seat....they're sickeningly cute
"Yeah let's go!"

After returning back to the school for Tzuyu's bike we all said our goodbyes except for jeongyeon, nayeon, momo, jihyo, mina,dahyun and chae who caught a ride together.'
"Sana I could take you home if you want" getting excited to hold Tzuyu again I set down our prizes from the arcade into the back of Jeongyeon's car, we said we would all pick them up later since we were going back home in different vehicles. This time Tzuyu brought an extra helmet for me and helped me buckle it on. Feeling Tzuyu's fingers accidentally stroke my face felt so warm I was over the moon. "Alright hold on okay love?" Feeling giddy I leaned into her and wrapped my hands around her toned stomach. Mmm those wash board abs I still haven't been able to see just fires me up. Not trying to be a perv but I was already soaked just with the feeling of my breast
against Tzuyu's strong back, when she turned on the engine it roared and I couldn't help but let out a little moan feeling the vibrations of the bike on my womanhood. God Sana get your mind out of the gutter, we drove through the city reaching my neighborhood which was painfully too fast I wished I could spend every second with her pressed up against me.

Disappointingly reaching my house after passing by Jeongyeon's to pick up our Teddy's and accidentally walking into her and Nayeon in a compromising position we ran out and drove home. "So I might or might not through a
little party at my house" "What? the clean record Chou Tzuyu? Throwing a party?" She laughed and rubbed the back of her neck while shoving the other hand in her pocket "It's just gonna be small maybe up to 15 or 20 people, I'd really like for you to be there Sana" I hug the teddy tightly feeling my heart race ride at her request "I'd love to be there Tzu" I reached up and we held each other for a short minute. "So I'll see you there then, oh and bring a swim suit! It's gonna be a pool party" my cheeks flushed, Tzuyu, Pool, Wet, know I'm for sure
gonna go. We say our goodbye and I walk into my house "Sana! You made it just in time for dinner" my mom said from the kitchen my nose was filled with the delightful smell of Kimchi and rice. "Hey mama! It smells so good in here" I say while giving my mom a hug' "Oh those are cute! Where'd you get them?" She said pointing at my new teddy bears "Oh I went to the arcade with nayeon, jeongyeon,momo,jihyo,mina,dahyun,chae and Tzuyu it was so fun" "you should bring them over sometime you've been talking awfully a lot about that Tzuyu girl" she said wiggling her eyebrows, my cheeks started to burn at her request. "Haha maybe sometime yeah anyway I'm gonna go shower" I hurriedly say running up the stairs to get away from the teasing conversation my mom would for sure bring up.

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