Duncan (TDI) - Hanahaki Disease ⚠️ M

Start from the beginning

It was silent for a moment, before Geoff spoke. "Sooo, Duncan." He said, and I could hear his smirk from across the room. "What." Duncan grunted, drowsily looking at the blonde boy. "You and Courtney, huh?" He teased. DJ and Harold chuckled aswell, and a faint blush rose to Duncan's cheeks. "She's something, let me tell you."

I forced a smile at them, ignoring the burning feeling in my stomach. "Aww, so cute. Tough old Duncan's got himself a lady~" Harold teased, and Duncan reached under his bunk and whacked him with a pillow. "Shut it Harold."

I sat silently as they continued to tease the boy. The same burning sensation rose in my throat, except this time it was much stronger. I tried to ignore it, continuing to force a smile on my face but overtime it became nearly impossible to ignore. 

My mind felt hazy and I couldn't think properly, and I felt something rising in my throat, blocking my airways. Before anything could happen I stood up abroptly, hoping it wasn't what I thought it was. The boys glanced over to me. "You good, Y/n?" DJ asked, and I simply nodded. "Just uh, g-gotta go to the bathroom." I managed to choke out, before rushing out the door. My voice was hoarse and raspy, and as soon as I closed the door I began to cough. 

'Please don't tell me...'

I rushed off the porch tried to get as far from the cabin as possible. I only made it about 30 yards or so, before I doubled over. The coughing became more violent, and I could taste blood in my mouth. I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt the small objects falling from my throat and onto the ground. 

After a minute I hesitantly opened my eyes, and to my horror I saw, there on the ground, flower petals. I knew exactly what this meant- a friend of mine had gotten the same thing a few years back. Hanahaki Disease. 

The petals were a deep purple, and were covered in the red substance known as my own blood. They were collected in a puddle of red and purple and we're scattered across the grassy floor. I could feel tears poking at my eyes, both from the stress and the burning sensation in my throat. I grabbed my throat as if it would somehow soothe the pain, and began to cry. 

'What the fuck am I gonna do...'


The next morning I still felt like shit. Most of the night was spent out in the cold woods, throwing up bloody flower petals and crying. I now had a headache, and was certainly not in the mood for whatever shit Chris had in store. 

"Y/n?" I felt someone nudge my arm, and I looked over to see Bridget. "Are you alright? You look..exhausted." She said worriedly. I nodded at her, and forced another smile. "Yeah, just didn't sleep well."

"Today's challenge will test your mind, your teamwork, and your skills in the kitchen!" Chris grinned, looking out at the rest of us. As he explained the challenge I felt myself nodding off, exhausted from the lack of sleep. How would I be able to cook at this state? 

He finally finished explaining, and gesture towards the water. A white truck emerged from the lake, and opened the doors to reveal some...actually decently looking meat. 

Everyone piled into the truck, examining the food and chatting about their ideas. The teams then met up and began to construct their plans


I sat tiredly at the table as everyone discussed the plan. "-I'm like a black belt when it comes to cutting cheese!" Harold grinned, and everyone burst out laughing. I chuckled when he looked at us with confusion, not understanding the joke. "I guess that leaves you and me on dessert detail." Duncan grinned, looking at Courtney mischievously. The same burning sensation built up in my throat again, but I ignored it hoping it wouldn't escalate. 

Eventually we split into groups, and I was paired with Bridget and DJ to help with cutting the tomatoes. I watched in amusement as Bridget fawned over Geoff, and the sound of Heather and Leshawna fighting in the other room. 

When we finally finished cooking, Chris sat down and began to test the food. We watched in anticipation as he ate, but I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. Duncan had placed his hand on Courtney's shoulder and they were smiling at eachother. My smile faded and my throat grew sore. I subconsciously reached up and began to massage it slightly, hoping the pain would go away but it didn't.

DJ noticed my action and looked at me questioningly. "Y/n?" He whispered, and I turned to him. "You good man?" He asked, and I nodded. "You've been weird all day..." Bridget whispered, looking at me with concern. "Sore throat, that's all..." I said, my voice coming out raspier then intended. DJ and Bridget hesitantly nodded, before turning back. 

The conversation was dropped when we saw Heather enter the room, and I had to hold back a laugh- which hurt more then you would think. Chris announced we had, yet again, won the challenge before I rushed out of the room, not caring to listen to what else he had to say. 

The burning hurt 10 times worse now, and I quickly went around the side of the building. Hunching over, I coughed out the bloody petals once again. But this time I heard someone gasp. Looking up I saw none other then DJ and Bridget looking at me with wide eyes.

"Y/n...." Bridget said, before rushing over to me. Her and DJ engulfed me in a hug that I was not at all prepared for, and they didn't seem to care that there was blood dripping from my mouth. I stiffened for a moment, unsure of what to do, before all my emotions came flooding into my brain all at once. I cried into their shoulders, and DJ sat us down letting me and Bridget lean on him slightly. We sat there for a while, and occasionally I'd have to move my head to avoid getting the bloody purple petals from hitting them.

They didn't question me at all, or say anything until I told them I was ready. The tears slowly came to a stop, aswell as the flowers and I took a moment to catch my breathe. "So...can you please explain...why, and how you got it...?" Bridget asked delicately. 

I looked down, wiping the last of my tears off with my sleeve. "U-um.." I stopped to clear my throat, hoping it wouldn't be as rough sounding when I tried to talk again. "W-will you get mad..?"

"Why would we be mad?" DJ asked, and I looked down. "I-it's complicated.." I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I looked up to see Bridget meeting my eyes, "y/n, you're our best friend. We won't get mad at you no matter what, alright?"

I hesitantly nodded, before taking a deep breathe.


Um ok so this chapter was kinda shitty- I'm writing it at like 1 in the morning so...yeah. I'll probably edit it and do the part 2 tomorrow, but for now thanks for reading and have a good day :)

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