I Think You're Really Pretty, Ok?

Start from the beginning

He rubbed his face before glancing at the alarm clock. "What time is it," he asked yawning.

I followed his gaze. 6:01 am. His dad would be home any minute. He really did need to take me home. "It's 6 o'clock."

"Shit," he muttered, bolting up and throwing back the covers. He reached over the side of the bed to grab his boots and t-shirt, handing me my shoes as well. Wordlessly, we got dressed as fast as possible and booked it out to his car.

As he drove, Matt kept rubbing his eyes and looking like he was ready to fall back asleep at any moment. I waited for him to say something, anything, but he remained quiet. When I couldn't take the silence any longer, I spoke up. "So...um, that was weird huh?" I let out a nervous giggle.

He furrowed his brows as he stared out at the road. "I'm just glad you didn't toss your cookies all over my comforter."

I cringed. Not exactly the reassurance I was hoping for. "I didn't like, do anything weird did I?" Another giggle. I looked out the window at the empty streets and early morning mist hovering in the air as I twisted the seatbelt strap around my fingers. Please say no. Please say no.

His eyes remained on the road, his expression serious. "Oh, you mean other than mooning the football team?"

I whipped my head in his direction, my eyes growing wide as my hands flew up to cover my mouth. "Oh my god."

Matt broke out into laughter, his dimple more apparent than ever. "I'm just messing with you, V. You were fine. You crashed on my bed and that was it. I tried sleeping on the floor but woke up with such an awful kink in my back that I had to move. Hope that's ok with you."

"Ok good," I said sighing as I leaned back into the seat, feeling somewhat relieved. I was glad not to have done anything foolish like try and kiss him but also maybe just the tiniest bit disappointed that I hadn't.

"However," Matt continued a wicked grin on his face. He paused for dramatic effect.

I slid my gaze over to him. Oh, that dimple, those lips. I was too distracted by his beautiful face to barely even register what he had said next.

"You did say I was 'so cute,'" He blurted out, raising his voice a few octaves to mimic mine.

Excuse me? I had said WHAT, now?! I clutched onto the dashboard, my knuckles turning white as I bolted up straight. My heart stopped beating for what felt like an eternity and I thought I was going to black out. This was it. This was my demise because I was honestly going to open the car door and just fling myself out of the moving vehicle. I hovered my fingers over the handle next to me but regained my sanity at the last second and decided to just play it cool, laughing it off instead.

My chuckle came out too high-pitched and distorted as if I were a wounded animal that had just lost a bloody battle. "Haha. No, I didn't," I said swatting him on the arm. "Stop kidding around, Matt."

He continued smiling, glancing over at me for the first time as he pointed to himself. "You see this face? Totally serious. Also so cute, according to you." He shrugged his shoulders. "Hey, I can't say I really blame you. You've got great taste."

Slouching back in the seat, I covered my now flaming face as I muttered, "I don't know what you're talking about. I do not think you're cute." I scoffed. It wasn't technically a lie. I didn't think he was cute. Hot, sexy, drop-dead gorgeous maybe but not cute.

He reached over, giving me a pat on the cheek. "It's ok. I think you're cute too. I do like blue eyes though and you're maybe a little short but don't worry, I'm sure you've got some inches left in you."

Flashbacks of Aaron Long laughing menacingly came rushing back as I felt a rage building up inside of me. I'm too short? He likes blue eyes? "Let me guess, Matt." I spat out. "My hips are also too big and blondes are prettier too. Does that about cover everything that's wrong with me? Maybe you should try dating Kayla Albright. She's tall, blonde, and blue-eyed. Reid thin too. Sounds like she would be perfect for you."

Matt looked taken aback at my outburst, his jaw hanging open as he stared at me. He quickly pulled himself together, clearing his throat. "Vanessa," he said softly, "I was just teasing you."

I folded my arms across my chest refusing to acknowledge him and trying not to cry as I stared back out the window. Well, I guess the answer to Addison's question about who his type was finally had an answer. He liked beautiful supermodels with hair that hung down their backs like a golden waterfall and eyes as clear as a cloudless day. So basically, females that were not Vanessa Adams. I didn't say another word to him as we rode the rest of the way home in awkward silence, neither one of us even bothering to turn on the radio to provide some noise to drown out the deafening silence.

When we pulled up outside my house, Matt put the car into park and turned to face me as he blew out a breath. "Hey, I'm sorry if I upset you. I swear I was only joking around but I guess I forget sometimes about...you know...Aaron. Please don't think that having brown eyes and being a brunette makes you any less beautiful." He paused, clearing his throat. "Vanessa, I don't know if you are aware but you're really attractive. You may not hear what the other guys say about you but I do. Trust me; no one's calling you ugly."

Arms still crossed, I glanced over at him out of the corner of my eye. The sorry sap looked so sincere it was hard to stay mad. Plus, it did make me feel to know that other guys thought I was pretty. That will show you, Aaron Long, I thought smugly. However, right now the only opinion I cared about was Matt's. I wanted to hear him tell me that. I looked out the window, tracing stars on the condensation that had fogged up the glass. "And what about you?" I whispered. My heart pounded loudly in my chest as I waited for his answer.

He swallowed. "What about me?"

"It sounded like you were calling me ugly."

He clasped my shoulder as he turned me to face him. I slowly raised my eyes to his, daring to look at him. He shrugged. "I think you're really pretty, ok?" A smile played out across his full lips. "And no, I'm not just saying that to make you feel better. I know that's what you're thinking." Leaning in, he flicked one of my waves before settling back into his seat. He ran his fingers over the edge of the steering wheel as he stared down at it. "Now for heaven's sake, can you just admit that you said I was cute?"

I giggled, feeling giddy that Matt, my Matt, and the most handsome guy in the junior class thought that I, Vanessa Adams was really pretty. "I never said that." Reaching over, I pinched his cheek before scurrying out of the car and practically skipping up the sidewalk.

Matt rolled down the passenger side window. "I'll never understand you women," he called, shaking his head before honking the horn and driving off.

Reaching the door, I hugged myself as I watched his car make its way down the sleepy street. Only when I was sure that the vehicle was out of sight, did I do a little dance and squeal. He thought I was really pretty! I couldn't wait to tell Addison.


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