Start from the beginning

Ramon couldn't keep it to himself anymore, and so the following words slipped out  "Te fuiste" (You left) he blew out the cigarette smoke

The puzzled girl looked up at the male again "Disculpa...?" (Pardon me ...?)

Ramon narrowed his eyes focusing his gaze on hers, he grew confused, was this not who he thought it was? No, it had to be. "No me recuerdas?" (Don't you remember me?)

Rosario almost felt bad after hearing him ask if she didn't remember him, her eyes began to naturally scan his face looking out for any familiar features she could recognize but nothing ...

Wait ... Her brows softened at the realization of who it was, how did she not see it?

This was Ramon, the same boy who made her sixteenth birthday feel much less of a burden, except his features had changed ... he'd let his hair grow out and now he had a beard and a mustache, didn't look too bad on him but what the hell was he wearing?

The Arellano last name was popular in the city of Tijuana, they were known for what they did ... and that's exactly the one thing Rosario swore to stay away from. After her parents were murdered, the last thing she wanted was to get involved with a couple of men who killed without mercy ... a bunch of asshole selfish pricks.

A blank expression was apparent on her face, she was speechless and confused, both things at the same time.

She hated Ramon, his Family, and any organization working under crime "No ..." Rosario lied, the only thing she wanted was to get out of there, it was like something had been triggered.

Ramon's eyes and attention remained on her, he felt a rise of upset emotions cover his chest the moment she denied remembering him, it was an ego thing.

"Con permiso" (Excuse me) her soft-toned voice was hard to forget, she brushed passed him unintentionally rubbing her scent off on him.

Ramon stood in place and clenched his jaw feeling her walk by ... he scoffed before letting out a chuckle as if laughing at himself for the way he'd excitedly approached her and she didn't even remember him, why did he expect her to anyway, she was nothing but a spoiled meaningless brat.

The Arellano brother took another drag from his cigarette though the alcohol he'd consumed had placed his emotions at peak ... she had to remember him, his arrogance would not leave him alone as a voice inside his head suggested he ran after her and made her admit to her lie.

Rosario got lost through the crowd, she forgot all about Javier and her own brother and headed straight for the exit of the place ... her fast and long steps caused her to accidentally knock something out of someone's hand as she made her way through between the many tables, a small tray filled with white powder fell to the ground causing Rosario to gasp before noticing some of its residue sprinkle over someone's leg "Dios mío ... perdón, lo siento" (Oh my god ... I'm sorry ) she immediately apologized and dusted off the powder not even noticing the person her hand was on.

It so happened the tray belonged to the guys on table number 8, where Amado Carrillo and his associate Rafael Aguilar among another 5 guys sat and the hand she knocked it out of, Amado's.

"A la -" (Oh f -) the curse word almost made its way out of his mouth though his attention was called upon seeing the girl who stumbled onto him "No se preocupe mija... ahorita lo arreglamos" (Don't worry, we can fix this) his confident response was ignored by a rushing Rosario who didn't even acknowledge him though instead continued walking past instead ...

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