Battle of Shiganshina

Start from the beginning

"I'm what?!" Kara growls so loud I could feel the bass of his voice in my chest

"You're sister! What happened to your sister?!"


"What are you talking about? Wh-what sister?"

"You talk in your sleep, Kara. S-sometimes you say her name."

"I-I don't.."

"Asura. S-sometimes you call her Ra, but she hates it. Y-you call her Ursaa b-because 'her name is so silly'?"

Ursaa.. yeah, that name.

When we were lost. He talked to someone in his sleep.

He called her Ursaa, though it sounded more like 'Err-zah'

It sounded like he had a good dream, but when he woke up he had a sad look on his face like someone died

"I-I don't know what you're talking about"

"You're lying, I know you have a sister!"

"I don't!"

"Just tell me what happened! You can't keep everyone to yourself, it's destroying you!"


"What did he do to her? D-did he do the same things he did to you?"

"Wh-what? N-no. No, I'd never let that happen..."

"So is she still alive? Can we save her when this is over? Tell me. It's okay to feel this way you just have to-"

"She's Dead! Okay? Is that what you wanted to hear?!"


I felt my stomach sink.

Everyone looked sick to their stomachs, even Levi.

"Oh God. I-I'm sorry. I-" Historia sobs

"What, you didn't know?!"

"N-no, I-"

"You sure? You seem to know a lot!"

"I'm just trying to help!"

"By shoving everything down my throat?!"

"No by-"

"Kara, wait.. Please weren't we going to-"


It sounds as if Kara shoves he'd back

"Seriously, I don't need you or anybody. So stop trying to 'fix' me!"

Kara slams the door

We all stood in total silence

"God, I knew it was bad." Hange lets out a defeated sigh. "When his scars first appeared we came to the conclusion that he somehow had the ability to grow a 'shell' of skin in order to specifically hide those scars."


"Yeah... we brushed it off as an ability that derives from his Titan prowess and continued to run tests."


"And?" Connie asks

"The doctors.. First they came to the conclusion that his body's nervous system is ten times larger and just as much sensitive than our own."

"Meaning his perception of pain is ten times stronger than you can ever imagine" Levi adds

"Yeah... but the most horrifying part... was when the doctors found that three-hundred percent of his entire body is covered in scar tissue."

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