Another doctor walked in, and he held a goofy smile.

"Im doctor oliver, i run therapy for memory loss here." He sat down on a spinny chair next to me.

Memory loss.

I looked down at my hands, thinking that I was dreaming.

"I don't know her situation to an extent, but I am willing to run some tests and see how bad it is. How far back is her memory if you don't mind me asking."

"Seven, almost eight years." The male on the floor said before anyone else could even blink.

"Okay. Did anyone brief her on what happened?" He looked around the room, and I smiled.

The male that was on the floor was staring right at me. His eyes were bloodshot that quickly and I wanted nothing more than to sit in his arms and tell him that everything was going to be okay.

"No." My brother said, almost as if he was scared to hear what I was about to hear.

"What happened? Why is everyone acting like I'm a fragile girl? I'm trying here! I don't know what's going on. Can someone please tell me?" I pleaded, now feeling my emotions go out of whack.

"Daytona, Your twenty four. You're a motorcyclist, or you were a motorcyclist, I have no idea where you stand now. You, your father, and your brother moved to Brighton when you were seventeen, after your mother passed. You got into a car wreck, and you have been in a coma for-" The doctor paused as he looked over his notes.

"Seven years. 2555 days." The guy with nice hair spoke.

"How- What-" I tried speaking but I felt my throat go dry.

It was like a sour taste on my tongue that I desperately wanted to get rid of. On top of that, my mother is dead, and I don't remember anything.

"Let's move on! You don't have to speak about it, I can see it makes you uncomfortable, you don't have to do anything you don't want to do here." The doctor said in a nice tone.

I nodded thankfully and they went back to asking me questions. Most of the time I stared at the male sitting on the floor.

He kept running his fingers through his hair, almost like he was trying to calm himself down. I kept trying to figure him out, but it was almost impossible. His walls were built up so high.

Who hurt him?

It made me upset that in this room full of people that care about me, the one person that I take remote interest and familiarity in, has walls up. He seems so shattered, overwhelmed, and defeated.

But the most prominent one to me is ruined. He seems so ruined. His head hung low, and he only brought his head up to make eye contact with me, and then he would look back at the ground.

His knuckles were white, from the amount of force he was clenching them. There was a bandaid on his hand, and it was wrapped by some sort of gauze.

"Why don't each one of you go around the room and tell Daytona, a little bit about herself that she's missing out on."

My hands grabbed onto the bedside and I sat up a little. The doctor jumped up and helped me sit up.

"Fucking finally." I mumbled as the guy with nice hair laughed.

"Who wants to start?" The doctor asked after making sure I was comfortable.

I really want food. Maybe I could get someone to get me Mac and Cheese. Or chicken nuggets. Or a burger.

"I want a strawberry milkshake." I mumbled and the guy laughed again.

Am I just that funny and amazing?

His laughter was music to my ears. It was so perfect, and it was such a beautiful harmony almost. There was still something wrong with him, but I wasn't going to ask. As much as I wanted to and as much as it crossed my mind to, I was not going to do that. I didn't want to maybe upset him more.

"You were reckless, but just enough." The guy on the floor said.

"You got hurt, but you got through it. You learned to toughen yourself up when you got hurt and knocked down. You got right back up and fought ten times harder. Sometimes you got stuck and got scared, but you never once showed your fear. You grew stronger each day and made sure nothing would stop you. You just wanted to bring back the fire from your eyes, after your mother, and you did. You brought back that fucking flame that you had been searching for. You are messy, but you make sure to clean up after yourself. Your way to kind for your own good, but you wont hesitate to tell someone if there fucking up. You are the most stubborn woman I have ever met, but it kept me on my toes. I didn't ask for you to come into my life, but when you did, you gave me the life I desired so much. You gave me the world, and it crumbled right in between my fingers-" The gut with nice hair rambled on, and i didnt even notice that I was crying until I felt tears fall from my face onto my chest.

"Oh god- I'm sorry- I didn't mean to make you cry. Dylan- I'm so sorry, I just can't do this right now." He spoke quickly, getting up and running out of the room.

The guy on the couch, and my brother went after him as I cried. I cried for the people that I didn't even know. They were going through all of this pain, because I couldn't remember them, and I hated every second of it.

What did I do to deserve this?

My hands balled into fists and I wanted to throw something. I was beyond frustrated with myself. I grabbed a pillow and I screamed into it. I cried. I sobbed my heart out like I wouldn't ever stop.

Nothing ever worked out for me, and now, it makes me believe less and less in the world. All the hope i had, was flushed. Everything seemed so impossible.

"Mr. Jareds. I would like to speak with you in the hallway."

My father nodded his head, kissed my head before walking out to the hallway. The two girls I was left with, seemed like good people. I was friends with them, so obviously they were.

They both moved chairs and sat down on both sides of me, which made me smile.

"I'm Ember, like I said earlier." She spoke softly, but not in a tone where she was scared to talk to me.

"And I'm Liana." The girl smiled evilly and I laughed.

"Im Daytona- Well, you know that-"

They both laughed and smiled at me. The tears were gone from their eyes.

"Why don't we tell you a little bit about us? And you can ask us questions and we can answer them. Whenever you want to stop, just let us know and we will stop."

"I would like that." I smiled at Ember who nodded her head.

And we did exactly that.

They never once pressured me into asking questions, or answering any. They spoke about their lives, times we hung up. It was like a breath of fresh air. Or a glass of cold water on a hot day.

It was refreshing and i didnt feel as helpless anymore.

1823 Words

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