𝟏𝟐. 𝐏𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞

Start from the beginning

This is amazing! I already
thought you looked at her in
some kind of way! 😍

Yeah, she's the best

I asked her to be my girlfriend

Oh!! How did she respond?

She cried and said yes about
10 times


I love this!!

I'm so happy for you🤗

We're all really happy for you!

Thanks guys, I appreciate it

Tell her we said hi!

Oh oh oh Chris, you have to
take her to Boston for Thanksgiving!!

Yes you should! That would be

You're okay with that?

Hell yes, that girl is awesome



Okay, alright maybe I'll ask

I like the idea

Let us know when you asked😊

Will do

I have to go now, see you soon

Bye honey!!




So, I told my family! I knew they were going to love it for me, they already told me how much they loved Amelia in the hospital. Now that I told them, I think I should tell my friends too. They always ask me why I'm so happy all the time, and I really want them to meet her one day.

Back to Amelia's POV

I'm still on my lunch break, and my friends joined me. I told them that I'm dating someone, and they all started cheering. Derek isn't here, so that's good! They immediately start asking me all these questions about him, so I answer them.

"What's his name?" Emily asks, taking a bite of her apple. "Um, it's Chris" I nervously reply, and she immediately spits it out again. "Yes! I knew it! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! The way you two looked at each other was just- God, it was adorable!" she cheers, making me laugh.

"Wait, you're dating Chris Evans? Wow Am, that's amazing" one of my best friends, Mark Sloan, adds. "Hell yes it is!" Alex adds, also one of my best friends. We talk about it for a little longer, until I have to get back to work.

I help a few patients, do a surgery and get ready to meet Chris for physical therapy again. Once I got him and Sebastian to the room, I sit down in front of them. Sebastian and I kind of became friends too, actually. He's an amazing guy, we hung out with him a few times too!

Chris rolls himself towards the place he always sits, when we're going to stretch like we always do. He already starts, but I just smile. "What?" he chuckles once he realizes that I'm not walking his way.

"We're going to do something different today" I reply, so I take him and Sebastian to the parallel bars. "Where are we going?" Chris asks, still silently laughing while Sebastian looks at me with a smile. I think he knows what's happening.

"See those right there?" I ask, pointing at the parallel bars. "Yeah, why?" he asks in reply, making me smile as well. "Let's go and see if you can take a few steps, shall we?" I suggest, and his eyes immediately light up.

"Really?" he asks, tears almost filling up his eyes. "Really. You can feel your legs and I think you're strong enough, so let's give it a try" I giggle, walking towards the parallel bars while pushing his wheelchair with me.

I place him in front of the bars, and give him my hands as I stand in front of him. "Ready?" I ask, my eyes filled with joy as I think about his happiness. "Yeah, yeah okay, alright" he nervously replies, taking my hands and giving me a soft smile.

"Okay you can feel your legs, so try to use all your strength to stand up. Use my hands for support" I say, and he takes a deep breath. "Okay... I'm a little scared though" He nervously chuckles, so I nod my head.

"I get that, but it's okay. I know you can do it, you're strong enough now" I reply, and he also slowly nods his head. I can feel his grip on my hands tightening, so I nod my head again with a smile.

Chris takes another deep breath, uses all the strength he has, and fully stands up. On his legs. He did it.

"You... You did it, you did it!" I cheer, trying not to cry while tears slowly fill my eyes. I look up, and see that Chris is also struggling not to cry.

He looks back at me, and he has to look down a little because he's way taller. "You're so tiny" he chuckles, making me laugh. "No I'm not, you're just really tall" I giggle while he places his hands on the parallel bars.

"Maybe a combination of both" he adds, and I brightly smile at him. "How does it feel?" I ask, looking down at his legs. He looks pretty steady, that's good!

"It feels good. Weird, but good" Chris replies, and I nod my head again. "Do you feel steady enough to take a step?" I ask, looking right into his eyes. "Yeah, I think so" he replies, and I'm trying my best not to grab his face and kiss all over it.

"Alright then, go ahead when you're ready" I add, taking a step back. He looks at his feet, slightly lifts up his leg and takes a step. He looks up again, and smiles while a tear rolls down his cheek. He takes another step, with his other leg, and smiles again.

"See?" I giggle, wiping away his tears for him. While I'm doing that, Chris quickly leans in and kisses my lips. I kiss him back, smiling the whole time.

𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙏𝘾𝙃𝙀𝙎 ✓ 𝘾. 𝙀𝙫𝙖𝙣𝙨Where stories live. Discover now