Chapter 18....

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Taehyung went back home all happy.

He was smiley as he never was,  humming song all along the way. 

He felt happy and light those days. 

Tae: I'M HOME!!! he yelled entering the front door.

Hyolin was sitting on the couch reading  a romantic book as always...

For the little story,

When She was pregnant of Taehyung, she liked reading it out loud while caressing her big tummy so her baby would hear it...

Maybe, that's why Taehyung was so romantic and loved love. *Chuckles*

Tae: Mom!!

Hyolin: Hi honey. She respond with a soft smile. She liked seeing her babybear so happy and cheerful.

The boy ran and sat next to her..

Then, he leaned his head on his mother's shoulder and interlocked their arms.

His gestures made Hyolin giggling.

She pinched playfully his cheeks and came back to her book.

Tae: Mom?

Mrs kim: Mhm?

Taehyung showed his cute boxy smile and began to play with her fingers.

Tae: No. I'll tell you at the right time.

HL: What is it about?

Tae: You'll find out soon anyway .

HL:  Okay. She just replied with a chuckle. So?  Did you bring his lunch to Jungkook?

Tae: Yeah.

HL: Did he like it?

Taehyung laughed slightly as he stood up.

Tae: Yeah. I guess so.

Then, he left for his room.

Time passed very quickly after that.

Taehyung and Jungkook were the most of the time together alone at home because Hyolin had to take care of the company too.

She began to go on business trip and and to stay at the office late after her husband got arrested.

She didn't really have choice.

Fortunately for her, Park Johoo, an employee of the company and a close friend to the family was there to help her with the files, the contracts,....

Until Taehyung takes the lead of course.

Tae: Jungkook?!!

JK: Yeah?!  Jungkook yelled back from his room.

Tae: It's Namjoon hyung!!  He is here to talk to you!!

JK: Namjoon hyung?  OKAY!  I'm coming !

Jungkook threw his phone on the bed just next to him and walked downstairs.

JK: Hyung!

NJ: Jungkook!

JK: Hey.

Taehyung smiled and went outside a moment.

He decided to occupy himself with gardening. A new passion that he has just discovered.

It calmed him down and made him feel good.

Being surrounded by flowers and their parfums.

That felt amazing.

At some point he went back inside. The atmosphere was very serious.

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