Chapter 40: Tatts, Pops and Whops.

Start from the beginning

"The room is soundproof. Okay why were you late?" King Alexander stands before us with his hands on his hips and a glare on his face.

"Show him." Kyle prods.

Lark and I share a glance and together we step forward together we tug down the shoulders of our shirts revealing the matching tattoos on our shoulder blades. I hear him gasp lightly, most likely only Lark and I can hear it, Zim maybe too with her werewolf hearing.

"I've never seen this one before." The King speaks up after a moment of silence.

"There's more." Lark whispers and glances at me, somehow I figure out she wants to show the ones on our arms. Honestly only thought that could happen in books, maybe it's twin telepathy, twinpathy...

Anywho, I fix my shirt and turn show my right arm. Lark mimicking my movements.

"It is, it really is... you have the sun and moon elements... it's really begun." King Alexander mutters mostly to himself as his eyes roam the two tattoos.

"There's one more." I barely whisper and both Lark and I turn to face him, in sync we reveal the last tattoos Lark's on her thigh and mine on my side. Mine of the wolf and Lark's of the bats.

"You, you're... how...?" Lark and I share a questioning look and face King Alexander together. Who's spluttering nonsense in the corner, his hands covering his face.

"Twins to never know
Born from royalty and below...
A sibling to discover
When they meet one another.
Three for three
Wolf, Vampire, Human;
Moon, sun, star." All six of us are standing there watching as King Alexander mutters and paces the room.

"Dad? What's wrong?" Kyle asks stepping in his father's path.

"It all makes sense... I'm so sorry. She was my mate..." King Alexander sobs, his body shaking and his hands on his head.

"Dad! Talk to me." Kyle shakes his father's shoulders looking absolutely terrified.

"The prophecy, have you heard of it? It goes:
Twins to never know - meaning Ria and Lark, they didn't know they were twins until they met here.
Born from royalty and below - I-I think, I'm your father..." King Alexander's voice trails off, his voice quiet and uncertain. "Sophia Sharlon... she was my mate and your mother, Ria and Lark, we had an - we had an affair when we discovered we were mates. She was a maid and sister of my Isalor, I was the prince. I was betrothed to Marcebelle because we couldn't find my mate and the betrothal was already set in stone it was going to make the kingdom stronger. She must've fallen pregnant with you but my father found out and forced me to bare a 'legitimate' heir with Marcebelle or Sophia would be killed. So I did, one day the news came that Sophia had been killed on the way to work by slave traffickers. I was devastated but you were born Kyle so I moved on... I never knew Soph had given birth to kids. After it was announced Marcebelle was pregnant Sophia did everything she could to stay away from me. I should've known. I could've stopped her death..." King Alexander sits on the couch with his head in his hands and he cries, his tears flow down his face but Lark and I, we just stand there silently. This is a massive announcement I mean come on. Lark and I princesses, pffft.

"Ria?" Blaze gently enfolds me in his arms hugging me, out the corner of my eye I notice Zim hugging a frozen Lark.

"It- it all makes sense..." Kyle utters quietly. "He came to us saying we were related to him, we just didn't know how... we- I- your- your my sisters..."

We all stand in silence no one muttering a single word, we could all have stood their for a minute or 10 but eventually Clay breaks the silence.

"Holy sh*t." Is all Clay says but it makes us all crack up laughing easing the tension.

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