It has been nearly a week since he met Taehyung. For a couple of times but this more than enough to say that Taehyung attracts him. He feels conscious around him. And today this dream is not just a random one. He thinks about Taehyung that’s for sure.

He let out a moan he couldn’t help holding back once he started stroking himself with the thought of Taehyung grinding on his thighs.

He let out lewd moans when he felt like he was close and his whole body was heating up.

He moaned his name continuously and stroked himself till he chased his orgasm and his hand fell on his sides.

He turns on the shower and stands underneath it, letting the water clean him while he gets lost in his thoughts.

What have I done?

The professor is lecturing on something but Jungkook has no business paying attention to it at all. Jimin tries his best to make Jungkook concentrate but he just will be stubborn and zone out.

He should actually focus because Jimin made it pretty clear he won’t be giving him notes if he doesn’t pay attention. But just when he was about to, he spotted someone on the field and his body stiffs as soon as he sees who it was.

Taehyung was talking to some guys he doesn’t recognize. Well, one of them is the football team captain. He knows him but the other two seem unfamiliar.

But what is bothering Jungkook is the fact that happened this morning.

It just won’t go off his mind that he jerked himself off moaning Taehyung’s name. And he can never deny that the pleasure he received was more than the sex he had last time.

“Who are you staring at? Oh that’s Taehyung.” Jimin says Jungkook quickly looks away from him and focuses on his carelessly opened book on the desk.

“I am not looking at anyone.” With a cold voice, he shuts him up. But he can’t help but look at Taehyung. He was still there, talking to the boys. He wore a brown sweater and beige pants and had his hair fall over his forehead. Jungkook doesn’t understand how a person looks good in anything and everything.

Or maybe it was just him.

The bells ring and Jungkook quickly takes his bag and walks out of the room. He knows Jimin is gonna go to Yoongi so he doesn’t wait for him but says bye before leaving.

When he comes out of the classroom building he finds Taehyung sitting on a bench outdoors, going through some stuff. Jungkook wants to go to him. He wants to go and talk to him but he has no excuse to do so. 

Or maybe he has.

“Oh hello there, Jungkook right?” 

“Oh please, why do you always act like you don’t know me?” Jungkook says with furrowed eyebrows. He watches as Taehyung picks things up from the bench, making space for Jungkook to sit down. They make eye contact for a bit as if Taehyung is telling him to sit down and talk but Jungkook doesn’t.

Taehyung lets out a dreamy sigh and shakes his head.

“You were looking at me earlier.” Taehyung says. He takes out some artworks and an organizing file. Jungkook notices Taehyung keeping the paintings in an order by looking at a notebook. But then he comes to his senses and feels there’s a lump forming on his throat.

“I was not looking at you?”

“Trust me Jungkook, I have really good eyesight and the classroom isn’t far from here. I could clearly see you were looking at me. Maybe the reason why I didn’t leave with Hoseok and Namjoon.” 

Jungkook stills where he was standing and contemplates with his thoughts on what to say next. Because he is clearly flustered and the way Taehyung is smiling is making his neck grow heated as the time passes.

But he ignores all the stupid thoughts in his mind and clears his throat.

“Why were you waiting for me anyway?”

“My instinct told me you would come to talk to me and see, I am not wrong.”


Jungkook finds it ridiculous how there is absolutely nothing he can say in return because he is there to talk to him. And he is still feeling that sensation and tingling feeling all over his body when the first time they met.

So ridiculous.

“Listen, I am not here to talk to you okay? I am here to give you back your thing. Here, take it.” Jungkook takes out the red bandana Taehyung gave him the other day. Taehyung holds it in his hand and a grin forms on his lips.

“I didn’t give it to you to give back to me. You should use it. Like right now, your hair is sticking to your eyes and see, you are angry.” Taehyung points his hand where Jungkook’s hair is dangling in front of his eyes and laughs devilishly.

“I am not angry.” Jungkook rolls his eyes.

Taehyung gets up from the bench and walks over to Jungkook. Jungkook gasps when Taehyung holds a strand of hair that was sticking in front of his eyes, looked like he was gonna tuck it behind his ears but he didn’t. 

Jungkook may have wished that he did. 

Instead what he did was holding one of Jungkook’s hands and then gave the bandana back to him.

“Your game is in a few days right? Wear it. Will give you a clear vision of your goal.” he whispers against his ear and then leaves.

Again, leaving Jungkook feeling so many emotions bursting inside of him.

Taehyung joins Hoseok and Namjoon once he is out of the campus. He waves his hand at them and they wave back to him.

“Where were you?” Hoseok asks.

“Ah, I had some work.”

“By work, if you mean Jungkook, then that’s not work. That’s dumbassory.” Namjoon says and Taehyung can’t help but laugh.

“Why are you laughing?” Hoseok says again. 

“Y’all fear him or what? He is not that scary.” Taehyung takes a bottle out of his bag and gulps down all of it in one go. Quite thirsty after a long ass dry conversation but he enjoyed it more than he would like to admit.

“Tae, don’t tell me you like him or something.”

“Why would you think that?”

“Knowing you gay ass, you can’t help yourself around pretty boys.”

Hoseok’s statement makes Namjoon snort and Taehyung just keeps smiling. He doesn’t protest against anything they say. He was enjoying actually.

But that wasn’t entirely wrong. He actually has started liking the boy. Even if Jungkook is quite arrogant and stubborn, Taehyung finds it cute and endearing.

“I can’t believe you literally are falling for a straight boy.” Namjoon says in between and Taehyung looks at him at that.

“I am not gonna do anything, chill. I am just gonna wait.” He says with a smirk on his face. Both Namjoon and Hoseok look confused.

“Wait for what?” Hoseok asks, doesn’t understand all philosophical shits Taehyung is trying to explain.

“You guys wait with me too.” That’s all he gets in return from Taehyung. 


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