"New entry?"

223 14 8

Episode 17


That person switched on the light .... Now their face is Cristal clear it was young woman with a middle aged man behind!

The woman was non other than Tzuyu..


Tzuyu walked forward and stopped right infront of a pale boy who almost died...

Tzuyu look at her father and nodded and he also nodded then some men come inside with a bucket....

Then the man splash the water on that boy making that boy wake up with a loud gasp unfortunately that boy happens to be Eunwoo!!

Tzuyu crouched to the level of Eunwoo and ,

Tzuyu : Look who we have here?

Eunwoo look up and ,
Eunwoo : W-Who are you?

Tzuyu : Oh why did everyone forget about me this fastly?*she said sarcastically*

Eunwoo : Y-Y-Y-You're that G-girl who joined s-six months ago?
Tzuyu : Oh now you remember! Yea it's me!

Eunwoo : Why a-are y-you D-Doing t-this to me?

[Tzuyu smirked looking at Eunwoo who was sluttering]

Tzuyu : Cuz , because of you I can have what I wanted!

Eunwoo : what do you mean?

Tzuyu : I want to be Taehyung's girlfriend at any cost and because of you Y/n can help me!

Bell rang
It means lunch time

Y/n casually walking to the locker section while holding some books in her hand she reached her locker and opened it and saw a bouquet of flowers and note beside it...

Y/n frowned before picking the note..

Hey Y/n !  you said me you'll help me ...now I need  your  help right now place this bouquet in Taehyung's locker I know you know his passcode so yea ! But  before placing it write a note saying

"I want to meet you at the park-someone you love" I hope you'll do this!



crumbled the note and throw it in dustbin!

Then i tores a paper and write what she said to me and took that bouquet to his locker .. his passcode is really simple..if she found my passcode that easily ., Then she could have find it by herself 🙄



I placed it and went to the cafeteria and took my food and sat alone and started to eat...

Taehyung pov :
After eating lunch in the cafeteria I went to my locker to get my books.

I opened my locker only to frown... I saw bouquet of flowers and a note in it..

'I want you to come to the park'
-someone you love

Taehyung : someone I love?

Y/n pov :
I know Tzuyu would be watching me but I need to find about Eunwoo.. once I get him then I would not need to do these sh*ts!

Right now I'm walking towards stairs which lead us to the rooftop...

Today I'm not feeling well to go to the class so I just spend my time in rooftop..

Soon I reached the rooftop...

I thought of scrolling through my contacts since it's been a long I used my phone to call anyone by myself unless someone else call me ..

I saw alot of numbers which I never cared to call only there's these numbers I recently talked with..


Unknown - it was tzuyu

These where the only numbers I recently talked with...

Is it him?

The one in our school but already graduated last year... He is the one who proposed me to be his girlfriend before he graduate and I calmly rejected him but he was good friend of mine...

Before he graduates he gave me his number and said ask me any help without any hesitation but what he can do for me?

I was about go to the next number but then something come to my mind..

Y/n : Wait... Isn't he in the college now? Or graduated? And I heard he is in the Cyber Crime department! So... He  can help me , right!

I hesitately dialed his number...

After a few rings... He picked the call...

On call

Y/n : Yebuseyo?

??? : Yebuseyo? Y/n? Oh My God!
It's been a year since
you have called me !!

Y/n : Yea it's true
Park Seo-joon!!

To be continue....
721 words...

Hey there!

Hope this chap is long..

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Purple y'all 💜💜

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