Chapter 3: Little Black Lies

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* Just to clarify this takes place after Hero's Day (Chameleon: Season 3 Episode 1 - According to google)

* So I know when there's a new Ladybug they come up with a different name but I kinda want to keep it Ladybug but if you have other ideas please let me know :)

* I know Lila is in one of my last chapters but pretend it's been like a week since then

* Slight swearing ahead


"Every white lie has a black truth" - Aye Aye


You and Adrien laugh at Alya's embarrassing story of Nino, who was currently blushing and hiding his face under his cap.

"Why do you have to expose me, Alya!" The DJ exclaims to the reporter, his hands covering his eyes as he groans and bangs his head on the desk.

"You practically asked for it, that's what you get!" Alya sassily remarks, chuckling at the sight before her. Adrien was sprawled out on the table in front of them and you were tightly clutching your stomach laughing hysterically. The fact that Nino, the king of all things cool and collected, was embarrassed made you giggle ten times harder.

"Okay, Okay we get it! That tiger didn't like me one bit, but we have a more important thing to talk about." He sighs hoping to get the three of you off his back. "Where's Marinette, class is going to start soon?"

"I have no idea but then again this isn't the first time she's late." You chuckle fondly at the bluenette girl, who couldn't be on time to save her life.

The said girl then stumbles into the classroom, falling flat on her face and dramatically making her way to you and Alya in a matter of seconds, that could rival the Flash's speed. Nino and Adrien greet their clumsy friend before engaging in a conversation on embarrassing stories of their own.

A look of pure happiness stretches across her face as she looks down to see that a certain blonde in fact had no one to sit next to.

Oh boy!

Marinette rambles, something about three kids and a hamster, her face going through too much emotion for your brain to process.

Yep, I have a headache now.

"Woah, girl. That seat isn't for you," Alya says, cutting her friend who was probably in the middle of daydreaming and fantasising about Adrien. Marinette's flabbergasted expression was honestly hilarious but you continued for the sake of it all. Besides your tummy hurt from all that laughing, you were sure there were no tears left in your eye sockets.

"Mari, Lila was diagnosed with some sort of hearing issue last week hence why she has to sit at the front," You say precariously, knowing very well that the two girls had some beef that was yet to be settled. You glance briefly at the door, catching a glimpse of the brunette you three were currently talking about.

Speak of the devil.

You nudge your two friends before turning your attention to Miss Bustier.

"I'm sure you've all heard that Lila has unfortunately been diagnosed with Tinnitus just last week when she went to the Kingdom of Achoo. But that doesn't mean she should be treated any differently. She is a part of this class just as any one of you" Miss Bustier says softly, placing a hand on Lila's shoulder.

The class nods understandingly. You glance at Marinette who was gritting her teeth and trying to smile in a not so threatening manner.

Well most of the class.

ON HIATUS - Nothing means Everything (Adrien/Cat Noir x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now