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In the first titled part for this story, I used a Slipknot song, and the one after it I use Corey Taylor and Clown's sons' band. If you haven't listened to this EP and you're a fan of Slipknot then I recommend it


Y/N's Mindscape

"It's about time you made your way back here Y/N." After having Sukuna assimilated with me I've been able to see him while I sleep, even though it's me with black markings all over my body, the same ones from when I gave him control.

"That means it's time for us to figure out what to do." Sukuna jumps down from the throne he's sitting on and the two of us start sparring. Not only does this help with my overall training, but it gives us a chance to discuss things while growing stronger. "The first thing I have to do is get closer to Rias' peerage, give them a reason to trust me."

"If Vali is going rogue at this conference, chances are an attack will come through. If you step up to fight him and his soldiers you'll be deemed a hero by the devils, not to mention the other factions. If they see that you're strong enough to help, they'll be vying for your assistance quickly."

"Even if that's true, I can't reveal you yet, not until the time is right. I'm more than confident in using my power, but I can't deny that you're stronger. I'll have to ramp up my physical training, much more than I did in captivity."

"Now you're thinking straight. The Red Dragon Emperor is the next problem. He might not be strong yet, but in time he might be able to sniff you out. You'll have to dispose of him soon, and you'll have to do it without drawing attention to yourself."

"You're right, but how do I go about that?" Sukuna throws a hard right that I dodge. "He was already suspicious because I was supposed to be a stray, but I'll have to get on his good side so he drops his guard. The hardest part will be drawing him away from everyone and killing him before they can blame me."

"We'll cross that bridge when the time comes. For now, just focus on getting in good with them. If you're able to get Rias on your side, the others will be loyal enough to follow her." We continue sparring for the duration of my time asleep, and as the morning comes I feel my body starting to wake up.

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