Thena was going to distract Ikaris while Makkari, Druig, Sersi and Rea would try to put the Celestial asleep.

"It's time to put a god to sleep." Sersi said as she looked at the volcano. They all switched on the bracelets which Rea realized that it was that much more real. They had started to create a the Uni-Mind together. The volcano had started to simmer down but Ikaris laser beamed Druig in the back.

"I should've done this five centuries ago. Rea deserved better anyways." Ikaris said before taking Druig by the neck and flying up into the sky. He shot Druig down with his laser beams, deep into the ground. Rea gasped as a tears from her eyes. Rea felt the air get knocked out of her.

This can't be real

That's when Ikaris shot down the Domo and it was headed straight toward the three women which Makkari had gotten all of them out of the way. She went and got Thena and Phastos out of the newly crashed Domo. Ikaris had flown down from behind Sersi and Rea.

"Druig's gone. It's over." He said and that's when Makkari had attacked Ikaris, fighting with him while running at super speed.

The volcano had erupted, rocks had gone flying straight to the group of four. They each defended theirselves, Thena was using her weapons to cut threw the rocks, Phastos was shooting the rocks, Sersi had turned the rocks that came at her into birds and Rea would move the rocks out of her direction.

"Phastos." Sersi said as Phastos put a hand on her shoulder. "I have to try and stop this. I need to get closer to Tiamut. Keep Ikaris busy." Sersi demanded which Phastos and Rea nodded understanding what to do.

"We've got you." Rea said as she stepped closer to the duo. Phastos nodded.

"Go." Phastos added as they watched her run in the direction of the volcano.

They trio ran to where Makkari and Ikaris were fighting and saving her in the process. Phastos used the weapons he made against Ikaris which would only slow him down for a little while. Rea would use the rocks that had erupted from the volcano and hit him with it but he stopped them with his lasers.

Makkari had gotten up and punched Ikaris a couple times while using her super speed. Athena got her turn to beat him up by kicking him into rocks.

"Thena, stop!" Ikaris yelled as he began fighting hand to hand combat with her. Rea had managed to hit him a couple times with rocks as Phastos hit Ikaris with his weapons.

A Deviant came out of no where and threw Ikaris to the ground and was about to attack him. When Phastos hit it with his blasters and Rea hit it with rocks.

"Why are you helping Ikaris?" Thena asked as the quartet grouped together and had their weapons ready.

"We can't let it absorb our powers." Phastos said as he held up his blaster at it.

"Too late." It said as its fist flowed like Gilgamesh's. Thena isn't went into a attack mode.

"Thena, he's trying to goad you. Don't..." Phastos started. Makkari had started to run around the Deviant as a distraction while Thena tried to attack it. The Deviant stomped on the ground sending both Makkari and Thena to the ground. That when the Deviant tried to attack Makkari and so Rea used all her power and hit it with as many rocks she can get her powers on. Which sent the Deviant flying.

As Thena went for the Deviant, Phastos and Rea had to take care of Ikaris.

"Where's Sersi." Ikaris asked Rea and Phastos.

"You always did underestimate her." Rea said as rocks floated behind her. That's when Ikaris tried to fly off so Phastos used her technology to grab onto Ikaris' leg and pulled him down.

"Not so fast." Phastos mumbled and hit him to the ground. "Boss."

That's when Rea ran to Makkari and helped her up.

"Are you alright?" Rea signed to Makkari and she nodded and let Rea help her up. They walked over to were Phastos was.

"But this is really satisfying, right?" Phastos said with a smile.

"Let me go, Phastos! I can't let her do this!" Ikaris yelled to him.

"I don't think so." Phastos explained, "I've been wanting to clip your wings for a long time, Ikaris!" Phastos yelled at Ikaris, who was trying to hit Phastos with his laser beams.

Rea stood there staring at Ikaris and she thought of Druig. She thought of how Ikaris deserved this for killing Druig, her Druig.

She watched as Tiamut started rise from the ground. She only thought that this is the end.

Phastos had put more restraint on Ikaris and they waited for Sersi.

"Come on Sersi. Come on." Phastos whispered to himself. Ikaris eventually broke free and shot lasers into the sky while yelling. It brought the three to the ground, they didn't get up fast enough to stop Ikaris.

Rea felt it, the Uni-Mind. She began to float like the others and helped form the Uni-Mind.

It happened. They killed Tiamut and stopped the emergence. Rea cried in relief and pulled Phastos in for a hug. She pulled away and gave the other a hug before seeing Sersi walk over to them. Rea was the first to pull her into a hug and Makkari joined into the hug.

"How? How did you do it?" Phastos asked Sersi.

"When I touched Tiamut's palm, I felt energy surging into me. Tiamut joined our Uni-Mind." Sersi explained which made Rea nod as she understood it all now.

"I always wondered how we survived the destruction of other planets that we were on." Phastos said and then turned to Makkari. "By being connected to the Celestial as it emerged." He explained, Makkari looked at everyone and smiled.

"We became one..." Makkari signed, "...even Ikaris and Sprite all because of Tiamut." Makkari explained which made Rea smile. Rea stared of into the distance and saw Druig and Sprite emerge. She cried softly as she walked towards Druig and hugged him. He laughed as he felt her arms tighten around him so he picked her up and twirled her around making her laugh.

"I thought you were dead." Rea whispered while she still didn't let go of him.

"Shh. It's okay. I'm here and alive." He whispered as he let go of her to examine her. He kissed her softly which she returned before separating and wrapping an arm around her waist.

"Is he gone?" Sprite asked tearfully.

"Sprite. I still have energy from the Uni-Mind. I think I can make you human. All the things you said you wanted, you can have them. But your time will be fleeting and you'll die one day. Are you ready for that?" Sersi asked Sprite. Sprite sniffles and cried but nodded.

"I am." She said before taking Sersi's hand. Rea smiled along with Druig as Sprite was getting her wish.

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