My feedback Form rap

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Noah kaminari/Bob/Feedback: feedback, flashback
Feedback, Big Bang
Noah Kaminari, 11, struggles
It's been a while since you found that weird watch
But if there's a problem, I'll make it nice
With Feedback, my favorite form
Using to put out the fire, tragedies to avoid
Nobody can be killed if they just turn me
An addiction conducive to the moment too
But when I'm Feedback, I feel so good
Flashback, forget it, feel the electricity
Feedback on the track, did you miss me?
Raise your head 'cause you gotta save the Earth
You can mourn the losses or learn from them
feedback, flashback
Feedback, Big Bang
want to force me to talk
Since I already know what I want
I know the addiction to it eats away at me
But if a monster appears that destroys
Grandpa Kirishima, Eijro ,Raptrap
please listen to me
Feedback makes me a hero
Malware comes up wanting a fight, I can solve it
I'll show you who's the strongest
But he separated me from my transformation
And when I noticed, the Conductoid DNA was removed
How am I going to be a hero without Feedback?
How am I going to defeat villains like this?
You want that damn watch, don't you?
So perish to the Omnitrix's strength
A part of me is gone, y'all will never understand
What is it like to lose what was mine
Feedback was all I had
I have only one question, did you learn?
Did you learn from mistakes?
It's my fault, I apologize
Man, losses are gonna happen, we gotta understand
Listen, it's not your fault
We have to be strong and understand
But without Feedback, what am I going to do?
You have to note that it's just a transformation
'Cause the hero is in you
Flashback, forget it, feel the electricity
Feedback on the track, did you miss me?
Raise your head 'cause you gotta save the Earth
You can mourn the losses or learn from them
feedback, flashback
Feedback, Big Bang
Iron Master on track
It's the Feedback
Maltruant will destroy, everything is close
But I will fight for a happy ending
A created universe, your face, nothing is right
'Cause I'm gonna stop this Big Bang

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