First meeting - 1

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"Hailey, if you don't hurry, we'll be late for this party." You snorted as you picked up your purse from the kitchen table." I'm coming, I'm coming," she murmured.

Hailey had insisted that you come with her to a birthday party for a friend she's known for a few years. She had been begging and begging for months for you to be her date for this birthday party, but something deep inside you felt like she was going to pull something together." Hailey, you know I don't want to do this. I feel like you're tricking me and I just don't know if I'm ready," you said, smoothing out the creases in your dress.

"This is not a staging, dear. But it wouldn't hurt you to go out and socialize a bit." She smiled. "Look, it's been a year and a half since Alex left you for that bastard, don't you think you're tired of lying up at night crying over his lame ass? You must do this Y/n. It would be good for you." I know," you whined. "I'm just nervous. I have never met any of these people. I'm not from here, remember?"

Hailey smiled and shook her head. "You'll be fine. Just stay with me and just have fun."You and Hailey walked out of your apartment and down a few blocks to where the party was taking place. As you approached the house you could hear the music playing inside and people laughing as the party raged on.

Hailey held onto you tightly as you both pushed your way through the crowd and toward the kitchen."Hailey! Darling, it's so nice to see you, my love!"

"Is that Nick Grimshaw? The birthday child?" 

"In the flesh. How are you dear?" he asked, leaning down and kissing Hailey on her cheek."I'm fine, thanks. Nick, this is my friend Y/N." She smiled and pulled you forward and out from behind her.

"Oh, aren't you beautiful! I am nick It's a pleasure to meet you, dear." He smiled."Nice to meet you too," you murmur."Let me fix you a drink. I'll be right back." Nick smiled. "I'll just come with you! We have to catch up anyway!" Hailey interjected."Hailey," you panicked. "What happened to our staying together?"

"Just sit there on the couch. I'll just be in the kitchen. We'll be back." she assured you. You nodded and clutched your purse tightly as you made your way to the empty couch in the corner. As you sat down and placed your purse by your feet, you pulled out your phone and started scrolling through your social media to avoid awkward looks your way.

"Sitting all alone at a birthday party isn't what you would normally spend an evening," chuckled a voice. The voice was deep and the accent that went with it made one shiver slightly. When you looked up to meet the man behind the voice, you were met with a tall, slender figure, a kind and warm smile, and emerald green eyes that were mesmerizing. He was wearing black skinny jeans, brown boots on his feet, a black t-shirt and his hair were just below his shoulders.

"I- uh-" you stuttered. You were looking around the room, looking for Hailey, hoping she was on her way back to you." May I sit?" he asked, his eyes darting to the seat next to you. Your eyes widened and you nodded slowly. The man smiled at you again and sat down next to you.

"I'm Harry, by the way. I'm sorry if I scared you." He laughed."You, uh," you clear your throat and sit up off the sofa, "you didn't scare me, you just caught me off guard. Oh, and I'm Y/N." Y/n. That's a nice name," he grinned. This is where his dimples come into their own."Thank you," you smiled as you bowed your head and tried to hide your flushed cheeks."Who did you come with?" Harry asked.

Harry Styles Meeting Series (Book 1) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now