And well, the plan worked.

Only there was a slight problem, they weren't speeding away from the cops like they originally thought... they were speeding away from a vehicle that Annabeth knows all too well. It was her Aunt Kate's fucking car, and that is the last thing they needed tonight was to have her hunting them down.

"Faster?" Scott asked as he drove.

Annabeth looked back through the window, her eyes widened before she turned back. "Much faster." And with that, Scott pressed on the gas and they were flying down the road to get away from Kate. "Shit, guys. If Kate is out here then that means my dad is too." She shakes her head, "No wonder they weren't at home."

"Well, that's just awesome, you know?" Stiles replied sarcastically, "I mean, they already think I'm a fucking werewolf so."

Scott scoffs, "I can't believe they think you're the werewolf."

Stiles gapes at him, his jaw slacked. "Fuck you, I could be a great werewolf. I'd be alot better than you, that's for sure."

"Oh, yeah because a werewolf with ADHD won't be a problem at all." Scott replies teasingly.

"Oh, whatever." Stiles responded before looking back at the window, "By the way, I don't think you're understanding the concept of car chase here."

"If I go faster, i'll kill us." Scott says.

"Well, if you don't go faster they're gonna kill you both." But just as she said that and Scott was gonna step on it, she noticed that Kate had swerved a different direction.

"They're gone." Stiles said as he turned forward after looking back. It seemed they had stopped following them, but for some reason she didn't feel like it was for any reason that was beneficial for them. She leaned forward in her seat as Stiles turned on the walkie that he swiped from the station.

"All units, suspect is on foot heading into the Iron Works." The sheriff said over the radio.

"Shit, that's why they left us alone." She tapped Scott's seat frantically, "Scott, how fast can you get there?"

"In this car? About 2 minutes or less." He responded.

"Step on it."

Scott nods, "Yes, ma'am." He slammed his foot on the gas and they're flying down the dimly lit street and making their way to Derek who's in need of assistance.

Stiles leans back against the seat, "It's about to get Grand Theft Auto in this bitch."

Eventually they made it to the Iron Works and she saw her dad standing on a high platform, bow in hand as they came to a stop. She gritted her teeth as her dad shot at the car as she helped Stiles into the back while Derek rushed inside the passenger seat of the Camaro. Once Derek was inside Scott immediately stepped on the gas and they were speeding away from the scene, her father relentlessly firing bullets at the vehicle as it drove off.

"What part of laying low don't you understand?!" Scott shouted at the raven haired man.

Derek slams his hand on the dash, "Damn it, I had him!"

Stiles leaned forward, "Who, the Alpha?"

"Yes!" Derek shouts in frustration, "He was right infront of me, and the fucking police showed up."

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