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authors note : some of you guys were really eager to get this chapter out, omg the comments had me cracking 😭 sorry i took so long but here you goooo <3 please comment and vote if u like it!

"hello" = saiki speaking

"hello" = saiki's thoughts/telepathy

(basically any speech in bold that is in italics is saiki's thoughts)


Here y/n was, sat on saikis lap while everyone, inlcuding saiki (who never displays any human emotions) gawked at her

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Here y/n was, sat on saikis lap while everyone, inlcuding saiki (who never displays any human emotions) gawked at her.

This was definitely not a good look, saiki had a girl friend after all. If teruhashi saw this, y/n would be dead meat.

"Guys i can explain," y/n finally said, breaking the awkward silence.

"No need girlll, i think we all got the message you're tryna send saiki" Aiura said smirking as everyone laughed

"NO NO, thats not it"

"Y/n i didnt expect you to be that type of girl," Nendou laughed


Saiki cleared his throat, "Guys hear her out"

"Im... really, and i mean REALLY afraid of the dark, so when the lights went out while we were watching the horror movie it sorta freaked me out and i guess uh, i jumped to the person nearest to me"

"Is that it?" Chiyo laughed

"Damn y/n, i thought u jumped on saikis lap because u had a thing for him" Kaidou chuckled

"Its good that she doesnt, because teruhashi would have some competition" Aren joked slyly

"Uh y/n?" saiki said.


"Are u planning on sitting on my lap for the rest of the movie too?," saiki asked raising an eyebrow and smiling as if he was amused.

Y/n quickly jumped off saikis lap, catching him grin slightly at her antics. His smile quickly disappeared after he realised y/n was looking at him.

While everyone continued watching the rest of the movie, y/n was contemplating leaving the country, half out of embarassment and half out of terror of teruhashi.

What if teruhashi found out about the little mishap? Y/n gulped just thinking about what she  had previously threatened to do. Y/n wasnt a secretive person but there was one secret that she would take to the grave. One secret that changed her life for the worst. One secret that was the reason for her moving to this school in the first place. A secret that could change the way her friends thought about her forever. Teruhashi knew this, and had all the power in her hands to reveal this secret at any given moment.


It was 1st period chemistry and y/n was utterly exhausted. No matter how many friends she had, nothing could change the fact that school was a bore. Despite her excellent grades, nothing would get her to be excited for classes on monday mornings. In todays chemistry class, they were identifying ions in ionic compounds. As much as y/n wanted to excel in her subjects, just like any other kid in the class, she was tired and not planning to make an effort in class.

As y/n was was preoccupied with testing the various compounds and acids a familiar blue haired figure approached her

"hey y/n heard you and everyone else had a good time hanging out yesterday"

Y/n held her breath, fuck did teruhashi find out about what happened with saiki

"I really hope u didnt try anything on my bf while i wasnt there because u already know the consequences of that dont you" she smiled.

y/n stayed quiet.

"Anyways good luck with the experiment, careful not to drop something" she laughed as she started to walk off.

Y/n sighed and picked up the solutions and carried on what she was doing, when a sudden hard thump pushed her over, causing her to drop the acid she was carrying and topple over onto the hard lab floor. 

Red. Everything was red. She felt warm red liquid trickling down her skin and it took her a moment to realise that it was the blood pouring out of her. The conical flask containing the acid she was testing had shattered into what seemed like hundreds of sharp pieces which punctured her skin. 

For a second it felt like the world has stopped. It was just her and her thoughts filling the empty silence. And then she heard the foot steps. She heard mumbles of concerned voices but she wasnt able to decipher what they were saying. Then she felt herself being picked up by strong firm hands and everything seemed okay for a while, even though it wasn't.  That was the last thing she felt before her heavy eye lids draped over her eyes, saving her from reality.


Her body was awake much quicker than her mind was. She opened her eyes way too quickly, only to shut them again against the harsh glare of the bright blinding lights of a white room. She waited a few seconds and opened them again. She stared at the white tiled ceiling, taking a deep breath to fill her lungs with as much oxygen as possible to combat the anxious beat of her heart.

"She's awake guys," chiyo said.

"Shh dont be too loud, she's probably still tired," mera hushed.

Y/n realised the entire group, nendou, kaidou, aren, chiyo, mera and aiura were gathered in what seemed like the nurses office. Just one missing pink haired guy.

The next few minutes consisting of everyone worrying over her while she hastily tried to reassure them that she was just fine.

She looked at her friends, nendou was by far the strongest and made a connection that he had to have been the one that had lifted her up when she had fallen to the ground.

"Thanks for carrying me here, nendou"

"Huh? What are you talking about, i didnt carry you here"

"You didnt?"


"Then who did?"

"Saiki, he looked really worried too. I wonder where he went," Aren said

Y/n would never admit it out loud but hearing that saiki was the one who carried her to nurses office made her heart skip a beat and she tried her to stop herself from smiling.

"We're all wondering, how did u get hurt so badly? Did you trip or something?" Aren asked concernedly.

Y/n stopped. She felt stupid for not realising earlier. The thump against her back which caused her to lose balance and topple over. It was her. It was teruhashi.

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