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"hello" = saiki speaking

"hello" = saiki's thoughts/telepathy

(basically any speech in bold that is in italics is saiki's thoughts)


Trigger Warning ⚠️⚠️⚠️ : SEXUAL ASSAULT

"We all eat lies when our hearts are hungry"

Saiki never thought it would come to this but here he was, dating teruhashi.

It took everyone a while to get used to saiki and teruhashi dating which was understandable since it happened out of nowhere but they eventually got accustomed to it. Saiki, however, didn't.

Every morning he would have to endure her tight hugs, her annoying kisses and worst of all her irritating, conceited thoughts. To any normal boy, having the chance to date teruhashi would be a dream come true. But of course, Kusuo Saiki wasn't any other boy. He wondered how long he'd have to put up with her, a year? until graduation? Oh God what if he had to marry her??!

He wasn't sure, but the one thing he was sure of, was his soft spot for the new girl. And if putting up with Teruhashi guaranteed y/n's safety then so be it.

Y/n didn't question Saiki's sudden confession to Teruhashi, it would've been more shocking if he didn't like her to be honest. But she was grateful that Teruhashi had laid off her after getting together with him.


It was lunch break and Saiki, Teruhashi Hiro, Mikoto, Y/n, Nendou, Kaidou, Aren and Yumehara were sat down at their usual table in the cafeteria eating food.

"Hey does anyone know why Mera isn't in school today?" Hiro questioned

"Apparently she ate some food from a dumpster and got food poisoning-" Said Mikoto casually as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

That wasn't unexpected of Mira, it sounded like something she'd do.

"Saiki, Teruhashi isn't it your one month anniversary today?" Chiyo asked.

Saiki groaned, why did she have to remind him. It had been a whole month since saiki and Teruhashi started going out, and it couldn't have gone any slower.

"Yeah, saiki made a reservation for us at an expensive restaurant, isn't he so romantic" Teruhashi giggled as the rest admired their so called "perfect" relationship.

"Yeah only because you kept bugging me about it, i cant believe i spent half my yearly allowance on it," Saiki thought.

Y/n looked at saiki, she was happy for him after all, he was dating the schools goddess. But why did she get the feeling that he wasn't okay. She examined his face, it was perfectly sculpted in the most underrated way. She noticed this straight off the bat when she first joined this school.

She was so consumed in his facial features that she completely forgot that she was staring at him. He had taken notice of this and his eyes met hers. Y/n was quick to look away, looking down at her half eaten sandwich, feeling embarrassed about being caught. But for some reason saiki couldn't look away, as much he tried. He wasn't even trying to be discrete about, causing Teruhashi major disturbance.

She leaned into him, cupping his face in her hands and making their lips meet. She started kissing him in front of everyone. In front of y/n. He tried to resist, but her grip was too strong she was practically pulling his face against hers.

Everyone cheered and chanted at the cute couple. If only they knew the truth about the cute, happy couple that they thought teruhashi and saiki were. They couldn't have been more wrong.


It was around 7pm and y/n was returning home from her local library where she went every friday. It was getting dark so she hurried along. As she was walking she couldn't help think about the minor encounter with saiki at lunch. Their eyes only met for a couple of seconds but every second felt like eternity. She also noticed how uncomfortable he looked nowadays. Y/n wondered if Teruhashi had anything to do with it but quickly dismissed the thought and realised she was thinking too deep into it. She promised herself ever since Teruhashi threatened to reveal her secret that she'd stay out of her way. And that's exactly what she was going to do.

As she turned the corner, she felt a presence. A slight breeze brushed her bare shoulder, something was near her, and that something was getting close. Her breathing got heavy, and she started walking faster. She was probably overreacting, there was nothing there.

But there it was again, light footsteps could be heard in the distance. She stopped and turned around sharply to see that it was nothing. She sighed in relief and chuckled to herself at how jumpy she could be at times.

As she moved to take another step, she felt someone grab her wrists and pin her against the wall of the alleyway they were in. A pungent smell of alcohol and cigarettes invaded her nostrils, making her feel uneasy. She looked up to see a man, in his late thirties smirking at her from under his hood. He looked hungry; hungry for her. He was so close to her, she could feel his unsteady breaths against her neck.

"You're a pretty one aren't you," He said tightening his grip around her, pressing his body against y/ns.

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME," Y/n screamed at the top of her lungs. Someone mustve heard her right? They would come help her and shed be okay. Cmon there has to be someone who heard her cry for help.

"Shhh, don't damage your delicate little voice princess. I already checked and there's no one around, we're all alone." he said caressing her face with his rugged, dry finger and then covering her mouth with his entire palm.

Y/n struggled against him but he had her cornered. Her tears were gushing out of her eyes, down her cheeks and on his hands, irritating the man.

"Dont cry baby, i promise ill be gentle"

Y/n continued to hassle him, trying to escape his grip. She bit the palm of his hand in effort to push him away but that just made him more relentless on holding her down. The man slapped her firmly, as she sobbed for him to let go.

"I told you i was going to be gentle, but not when you act like a selfish brat. Im going to have to teach you a lesson." he whispered cruelly in her ear. He moved his hands along her body, embracing every curve and edge as y/n whimpered in pain and discomfort. As his hand got to her chest, he released one of her wrists leaving an opening for y/n to strike. She kicked him as hard as she could at his crotch and reached for her phone, tapping the first number she could see.


Meanwhile, saiki was getting ready for his date with Teruhashi. He wasn't all too excited about it but he accepted his fate. Besides at least the food at the restaurant would be good.

Saiki was just fixing his suit blazer before he heard his phone ring. He groaned, it was probably Teruhashi calling him for the 10th time today. What did she want now?

He picked up his phone without checking the caller id and spoke into it.

"Hey kokomi-"

Before he could say anything else, a loud cry interrupted his thoughts. The crying & screaming got louder and more intense in the space of seconds.


the call ended.

Saiki clutched his fists in rage, his nails digging into the palms of his hands. Anger filled him up like fuel. He recognised that voice, it was y/ns.

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