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"hello" = saiki speaking

"hello" = saiki's thoughts/telepathy

(basically any speech in bold that is in italics is saiki's thoughts)


Our little conversations mean a lot more to me than you know

Y/n ambled awkwardly through the crowd of people that had gathered to look at look at Teruhashi indiscreetly. She was actually a bit scared to be honest, if Saiki really was teruhashi's bf, y/n feared she would probably die from embarrassment knowing that just a couple hours ago she had asked him if he had a crush on her.

"Its such a coincidence how we all met up like this, it must be fate or something" Teruhashi giggled.

"Fate? More like tragedy"

"Yeah ahaha i guess so" y/n smiled. "Oh and Saiki, sorry about earlier i wasn't thinking straight"

Teruhashi's smile dropped but she quickly covered it with a fake one.

Saiki sighed, there was a reason he didn't want y/n and Teruhashi to meet up like this. In case it wasn't obvious enough, Kokomi Teruhashi had a crush on saiki that was almost as big as her ego, and unfortunately for him the more he pushed her away the bigger her obsession for him became. The dangerous part was that Teruhashi was powerful, she had a connections and a whole fan club who would do anything for her; if Teruhashi found out about y/n's and Saiki's little encounter on the roof, it wouldn't be good.

"What happened earlier?" Teruhashi asked concernedly.

"Oh uhm i guess saiki went up to the roof after me but i mistakenly thought he followed me or something and i asked him if he had a crush on me, it was stupid i know" y/n said, refusing to look Teruhashi in the eyes who had given up on forcing a smile and now had a unpleasant look on her face.

Teruhashi held in a laugh, she thought it was pathetic that y/n could ever mistake saiki for having a crush on her, i mean why would he when someone like y/n was not even close to her level.

"Im really sorry if i made you uncomfortable saiki" Y/n said rubbing the back of her head awkwardly. "Oh but I've been meaning to ask you, are you two dating?"

Anger flooded through Saiki's veins.

Teruhashi grinned, "Ahaha that's so funny that think you think that, we kinda do look like a couple-"

"No," Saiki interrupted. "No we are not dating." he said sternly.

Both Teruhashi and Y/n turned to look at saiki, a bit stunned at his tone of voice. Teruhashi's hurt was crystal clear on her face. This caused nearby strangers major annoyance, they looked at saiki in annoyance, murmuring words of judgement at his harsh demeanour, they didn't hear what he said but just the sight of seeing teruhashi's hurt expression was enough to piss them off. Once again y/n was left in teruhashi's shadow. A mere background character.

"Yare yare, all i said was no, they're all acting like i just admitted to murdering someone."

After that, Y/n, Saiki and Teruhashi said their goodbyes parted ways.


It had been a week since y/ns first day of school and so far things hadn't completely fallen apart which was surprising; y/n had managed to make some friends and although they weren't close, she was just glad that she wasn't a complete loner like how she was at her last school.

She mainly hung around with Mera Chisato and Chiyo Yumehara who had quickly developed a liking for her and from time to time y/n, Mera, kokomi, Chiyo, Nendou, Kaidou and saiki would go out for some ramen. It was nice to finally have friends but she still felt like an outsider. She felt empty, but couldn't place her finger on what was missing. In a room full of people who were laughing and having fun she would feel a sense of numbness that she sort of never went away, it was almost like she was chained down into a pit of everlasting unescapable misery. 

Saiki however, who promised himself he would stay far, far away from y/n as possible, had a hard time keeping it. It was mainly because he would always have to hang around with her in a group but there was something else too. He just couldn't help himself from constantly wondering what she was thinking since he couldn't read her mind and what made it worse was that y/n almost never interacted with him or even bothered to look at him for more than a second. She would happily talk to everyone else in the group, even Nendou, who saiki thought was pretty hard to have any conversation with. She talked to everyone. except him. 

This was new for him considering the fact that he was so used to people just coming up and talking to him, whether he liked it or not. Saiki wasn't known as the most talkative, or funny or even smart person but for some reason people were always attracted to him. So when he found out that there would be a new student joining pk academy he just expected someone who would cling onto him like how the others did. 

"What am i thinking, i don't actually want to talk to her do i? Well even if i do, how am i even supposed to do that when she barely even looks me in the eye. What do i have to do to get her attention. Not because i her like or anything! Im just curious


I hope you guys liked this chapter & pls vote if you did, it really motivates me <3

Silent Truth // Saiki x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin