Yandere mcsm what if 2

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What if the Lukas and Jessie caught there S/O cheating?

🐷 Yandere Jessie 🐷: Oh boy, Jessie will not be happy if he finds out your cheating on him. He will yell at your friend to get out this is when hell breaks loose, something is definitely getting broken and what worse is that now you can't have any privacy now, so good luck with that

😺 Yandere Lukas 😺 : If Lukas catch's you cheating, he will be heartbroken and sad but soon that sadness turns into anger, when he gets your little friend out of the house he will yank at your arm and he will drag you down the stairs into the basement and he will keep you chained to a Metal pole until he feels like you learned your lesson.

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