Eiffel Towers, Cherries, and Cans of Pate'

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10x15 - TOW Estelle Dies (with alternate storyline)

A/N - I know the initial intent of these one-shots was to stay as true to the storylines as possible, but I'm making an exception on this one. As great as the end result of Ross and Rachel was, to me, it seemed a bit hurried and rushed. The initial storyline that they scrapped at the table read could have provided a much more steady and logical build to Ross and Rachel's reunion. So I chose to use that episode instead. I'm following the script exactly, but it will feel a little AU since we never saw the actual episode - it's great for the imagination. I hope you enjoy it - I definitely did! Only two more after this one! :)


His mind was reeling. He could still barely comprehend the events of the past week. It seemed like just yesterday Rachel was making a move on him in her childhood home and by the sheer Grace of God, he miraculously turned her down, knowing it wasn't the right moment and he couldn't screw it up again. They had that terrible argument, and then out of nowhere, to hear her say that the two of them were never off the table... what did she mean by that? Never off the table.

He hoped they were never off the table. It sure felt that way after all. For almost seven years, since they broke up he always hoped they would get it right someday. But for some reason they were both too steeped in fear to try again, after messing it up so badly, not once..but over and over again. It was as if they both wanted it but were too scared of each other to try because they knew it was inevitable that one of them would let things topple over again and get the best of them. They deliberately tried countless times to just turn their heads and walk away, yet they just kept crawling back to each other no matter what. Their love was still hanging on by a thread, but one more broken attempt might break them for good. That was a reality he wasn't prepared to face. So instead, they just played it safe and allowed their lives to spiral around each other for years because it was easier this way.

But now... now she was moving to Paris. Paris?! And better yet, he was on a plane sitting beside her - not intending to move there, of course...just to visit. It was the last thing in the world he wanted to do, but it was Rachel, and if this made her happy, he would be there. During their visit, they were planning to scope things out. He wanted to help her look for nannies and find a good apartment for her and Emma, and he knew she would need help getting around the city. So here he was, on a plane in the seat beside her, flying over the Atlantic, helping the woman he loved start her life over in a foreign city. The last time they sat next to each other on a plane, she started dating Joey. The time before that, they got married. To say he was apprehensive about this trip was an understatement.


{ After the flight }

Rachel had been quiet since they got off the metro. He could tell she was nervous and overwhelmed about the entire situation. Even though she had become so strong and independent, the prospect of moving to a foreign country alone would be daunting for anyone. As they entered their hotel room and dropped their bags on each of their beds, he knew that as much as he didn't want her to move, he wanted to help make her feel better. If moving to Paris was what made her happy, he would support it. He wasn't going to be the one to get in her way because what he truly wanted was for her to be happy. He wanted to help remind her how strong she was... to show her that she could do this if it's what she really wanted.

"Come on, you're going to love it here!" He grabbed her hand and ushered her towards the window overlooking the street outside. "Just look how beautiful this city is. You can see the Eiffel Tower!"

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