"Moony!" Eliza squealed happily.

"Hello, Eliza." Remus smiled looking older and more scarred but happy and healthy.

"Hey, Remus Padfoot." Harry grinned as he patted the dog. "This is really nice of you! I thought for a moment –the Dursleys."

Mrs. Weasley's lips pursed slightly and Remus's face darkened for a moment. Padfoot growled menancingly.

"No, no, we thought we'd come to watch you, and then we met Remus and Sirius, haven't seen them for years! We had no idea they knew your parents." Mrs. Weasley seemed thoroughly excited as Bill, Sirius (in his dog form) and Remus greeted the twins.

Harry and Eliza were about to give their 'family' a tour when Amos Diggory blocked Harry's path.

"There you are, Potter, bet you're not feeling so full of yourself now Cedric's caught up on the points?" Eliza looked embarrassed, but Cedric interrupted.

"Ignore him, Eliza- he's been angry ever since Skeeter left me out of the article in November..."

"Didn't bother to correct her did you though? Always modest our Ced..."

"Leave it, dad." Said Cedric his face blushing. As the group parted Cedric smiled at Eliza and led his parents back into the room.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the third and final task of the Triwizard Tournament is about to begin!" Bagman's magically modified voice filled the clearing.

"Let me remind you of how the points currently stand! Tied in first place on eighty-five points each- Mr. Cedric Diggory and Miss Elizabeth Potter Both of Hogwarts. In Second Mr. Harry Potter of Hogwarts and Mr. Viktor Krum, of Durmstrang Institute! In third place – Miss Fleur Delacour, of Beauxbatons Academy!" Rigel, Remus, and the Weasleys clapped and shouted encouragement together.

"Miss Potter, don't forget red sparks." Said Professor McGonagall, who had come to stand next to her, Eliza nodded trying not to notice the crack in McGonagall's voice.

"Good luck." Eliza nodded and McGonagall moved away.

When Eliza entered the maze, she was relieved that the noise of the crowd had been completely eliminated.

She was in almost complete darkness, she lit her wand and walked slowly along the right hedge, the silence was both unnerving and calming.

For what seemed like hours, she walked slowly around the maze without encountering any resistance, once or twice she had performed the 'point me' spell and purposefully walked in the opposite direction.

Time continued to pass and Eliza found herself hoping to encounter something just to relieve the tension. More time passed.

Suddenly, a female scream filled the air, it came from the left and she ran towards it without even thinking. As she neared the source she could hear Fleur frantically calling out spells trying to defeat her attacker. Eliza ran faster and as she turned a corner, the scene was laid out in front of her.

Fleur was on the floor with her wand raised trying to defeat an enormous Sphinx, Eliza ran towards the French girl and the Sphinx turned her attention to the intruder.

"This is not your concern, she got the riddle wrong!" The eyes of the Sphinx were as large as dinner plates and the color reminded Eliza of the Dragon she had faced in the first task, thinking back to the Dragon gave her the idea.

"Oh fuck no!" Eliza yelled conjuring a solid brick wall between the girls and the beast, Fleur looked confused but Eliza pulled her up carefully and almost carried her away from the scene, knowing that the wall would soon be destroyed by the creature's strength.

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