CHAPTER 12: Daisies White, Daisies Blue

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Shinae unconsciously slumped down against a ivory plastered gravestone. 

I-- I have to run away. I have to-- Before Mother sees me-

Her knees felt like they'd crumpled. She desperately pulled herself together and dragged her numb body on the ground behind the chilly slab of gravestone. To hide from the two people's sight.

A few moments of terrified silence passed, and Shinae felt as if every second span to eternity before the second voice reply.

"Mother, you can go to work. I'll go home afterwards."

"You sure?"


"K... Come home before it's dark."

"Yes, Mother."


After a few minutes, Shinae shakily looked behind the stone to the spot where the figures were. The standing figure, Mother, had left, leaving a kneeling silhouette before Aniki's gravestone. 

She didn't notice me, thank god...

Shinae secretly let out a relieved sigh and leaned her tensed body against the grave.

The shock in her subsided, and a fresh new wave of questions flooded her mind.


Wait wait wait... why are they here? They never give a shit about his grave... it was my father who built it... nor have they visited it before, I'm sure. They never care about Aniki, even when he... died. They... Mother doesn't seem to care at all, of course... She wasn't even kneeling or holding incense... but why is that fvcking bullshit kneeling before Aniki?

Could he...

Could he actually be paying respect to Aniki's grave?

Rage exploded again in my chest and scorched every cell in my body.

He has never, NEVER visited Aniki's grave before, and now he IS.

My teeth gritted so hard I feel like my jaws were going to collapse-- 

My fingers dug tight into the nilon covering of the bouquet--

Then it finally clicked on me.

Ohh, are you seeking for a chance at redemption? For forgiveness? Oh, well well well... You finally managed to pull that tiny simple fvcking thought out of your disgusting mess of a brain after I had to punch the fvck out of you? Pathetic. 

I could sense a distorted smirk creeping across my face, as rage flooded my mind with the most gruesome of intentions.

Tsk, tsk. Too bad for you, dear brother. I am sure Aniki would prefer a face-to-face apology.

My grip tightens even more. Impulse flared up in me, and my feet ached to dash there and slay that fvcker that very moment.

Fvck... get out of this place NOW! BEFORE I CAN'T HOLD MYSELF ANY LONGER!! I'll end you today... but--

I snuggled my burning hot face into the bundle of white daisies, desperately seeking for any peace from the smooth white petals to calm myself down.

but... but--

--not here.

The vaguely sweet sense blooming from the sunny bright centered flowers brushed against my skin and gently soothed my stormy mind.

They're... almost as soft as Aniki's hand.

My body relaxed as I leaned against the tombstone amongst the scent of fresh daisies wafting in the air.

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