CHAPTER 11: Unexpected

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Shinae thought she had made the worst decision of her life.

"SHINAE-CHAN~! LOOK OVER HERE!", exclaimed Ran excitedly. His eyes shone like a child as he pointed to a dress, "Look! Look at this dress! It will look great on you, I'm sure! Let's buy it!"

"It looks a bit revealing.", Rindou commented, "I think that white blouse and grey cardigan looks better on her."

"What?? She'll look like an old woman in those! What do you think? Shinae-chan?"

The two heads are both turned at her, expectantly.

"I... don't want to buy anything...", she groaned. "You said you'd just show me around!"

"We are.", Rindou sighed regretfully as they walked pass the window with the cardigans, "You didn't agree to buy anything since we left, Shinae."

Ran nudged him lightly on the shoulder with a smirk on his face, and Rindou flinched as he realized he has called her by her name for the first time.

But Shinae paid no attention to that special occasion. Nor was her mind on the clothes she'd missed out on.

The only thing Shinae had been looking forward to is an opportunity to get away from the Haitani siblings and sneak off to her business, but it seemed too much to ask for at the moment.

She stopped to look at a clock in a barbershop on the side of the road.

3:02 already...and they left home at 2:15!!

"... the income from the casinos had really dropped these few months, haven't it, Rinrin? They don't give us half as much as before, but I guess the pubs have made up for the rest. Oi, Shinae-chan~! Speed up a bit, won't you?", Ran called, looking back at her. Rindou turned back and held out his hand.

"Are you tired?"

Shinae sighed and paced towards them and took Rindou's hand.

"Of course. Are we going to walk every street of Roppongi today?"

"Yep, Shinae-chan."

She goggled at Ran.

Does he know what sarcasm means?? And walking every street?

"But why? Why all of Roppongi?? It's huggeeee!!"

"Of course it is? We rule it, honey, that's why.", smiled Ran proudly. "And if you're tired, I can always give you a piggy ride back home, Shinae-chan, like last time~!"

Rindou pushed him away from Shinae, but she was busy starting to notice how everyone was staring at them and avoiding their way.

So... they really rule Roppongi. Everyone seems to know and fear them. A wonder I didn't notice before. Interesting. Another wonder why Akuito's gang haven't gotten crushed yet.

"Hmm... You rule it? Tell me more."

"Oh, you're interested?", Ran's eyes glistened, "Well, whatever you request, m'lady."

Shinae scoffed, but she wrung her hand free of Rindou's grip and trudged on between them.

Ahh, people never miss out on a chance to boast their accomplishments. Go on, you two, and be occupied on that subject!! I need to get away from both of you!

"...And when I finished that gang leader I turned around and help little Rinrin.", laughed Ran. The boy huffed.

"I could have handled him on my own, brother."

"Of course, of course. I accidentally went to far, and that vice president was gone gone. So there, that's how we get to rule Roppongi.", finished Ran.

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