CHAPTER 2: Memory

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I trudged on the road as the bitingly cold gale whipped against my body and blew into under my thin shirt.

"Brrr~! Oh yea, it's almost winter again! October is almost over, so it would be snowing soon!", I chuckled out loud to myself, "It's almost Aniki's birthday again, too... I'll... I'll be able to celebrate his birthday with him! I really miss his face when he pretends to be surprised at the gift I gave him... Honestly, why does he pretend to be all grown up and ignorant of such an important occasion? We only  get to celebrate it once a year, and its so special to us! I still remember sneaking out of home with him to ride on his motorbike and eat instant ramen at that Seven Eleven near that stadium... And then he would tell me to pay although I didn't have any money left. I had spent it all on his present!"

I gazed as my breath appeared in the night air and disappeared again, swinging the heavy bag pack on my back.

"And when I told him so, he would pretend to be pissed off and rant at me, but he'll always pay for the food at the end, and we will ride home together, and he will say "Ohhh, my back is so cold~! Won't you be a good sister and hug your Aniki for a bit?" while driving the motorbike."

I could feel my eyes sparkle at the reminiscence.

"And I'll laugh "No way, dude, I'm already too good a sister to you." and punch him the back, and he'll say "Owww~! You are so mean!". And when we get home, mother will rant at us, but she'll always give him his present and complain about the weather before getting back to bed. The next morning, we will wake up late together and be late for school, and I'll have to prepare breakfast for everyone, and..."

Stop. You are only torturing yourself more. 

I choked on your words.

Yes... this is torture. The hell of suffering after the happiness that I had was stolen away from me... These memories are from years ago... Now Aniki's dead, and mother hates me. Why do I make myself suffer like this? Isn't everything already horrible enough? What does hurting myself help in this situation? I'm only distracting myself from reality. And in reality that motherfvcker came and took everything away from me... Haven't I swore on my life that I will make him pay for it? I will make him pay for it. Tonight.

I gritted my teeth. Dark intentions and wild impulses chased around in my head. 

I looked at the wrinkly piece of paper that I was holding in my hand, and realize that I was at the spot.

A gang of full grown men in red uniform coats came into view.

I looked around, but that son of a b_tch was nowhere to be found around them. I set my teeth once more.

"Now, here we go!"

p/s: I'm so sorry this chapter is so short :(( I'm working on my exams at the moment and it's so stressful. Math test is coming and I'm so dumb at it that I think I need medical help :D

p/s 2: Omg guys I swear to god my drawings look so bad when I upload it onto Wattpad and I'm planning to take them all down. Can anyone give me tips on how to take nicer pictures of my drawings ;-; especially the lighting part. Please leave them in the comment. I'm so sad I couldn't make digital art but what could I say... I'm a broke-ass middle schooler after all :((

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