Chapter 24 Avalanche

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As Jeager left the room with the drawings, Jen and I stood still for a few seconds. I look over at Jen, and saw that she was dazing off into space.
"Hey." I said shaking her a bit. She gasped and then looked over at me.
"Sorry, I was just thinking." Said Jen rubbing her face.
"About Julia?"
"Yeah, I just met my twin sister, and if she dies now... I'd probably be miserable." Said Jen looking at her feet.
"Maybe, if you give up. But if you don't, and use her death to make your self stronger, then you'll become a REAL fighter." I said walking towards the door. I turned around, and saw Jen with her eyes widened, and her fists clutched. Then her face turned into anger.
"Sorry, I didn't have any right to say that. I'm still kind of shaken by you just thinking of suicide. But I know that now, that will never happen! C'mon, let's get training." I said smiling. Jen smiled back and walked out the door. I followed her until we left the building.

As we were walking, Jen broke the silence and said "So what do you think we'er doing today?"
"I don't know. I hope it's nothing drastic, I'm still a little light headed." I replied shaking my head.
"You better not use that as an excuse to get out of work." Laughed Jen.
"Are you kidding me? I'm actually interested on learning their way of slaughtering titans."
"I wondered what their swords look like?" Asked Jen putting her finger near her lips.
"I caught a glimpse. It's like our normal ones, but near the end there is a sharp hook. Also Julia explained it to us when we first got here yesterday. Don't you remember?"
"No, I probably wasn't paying attention." Laughed Jen. I rolled my eyes and said "Typical, really typical."
For the few seconds of walking left, Jen and I laughed.

"Are you cadet Lilly Starks, and cadet Jen Carsol?" Asked a man running up to us.
"Yes, why?" Questioned Jen.
"Both of you were missing during the roll call, the other cadets said that you passed out, and you brought Lilly to Jeager. Is that right?" Asked the man.
"Yeah, what's wrong?" I asked getting annoyed.
"Both of you are reported to the training yard up there, your punishment will be decided there. GO NOW!" Yelled the man. Jen and I began to run, but we weren't exactly sure of where, we were running to.
"Do you know what he meant by 'up there'?" Asked Jen.
"Probably up this mountain. When we got here, I saw a trail. Maybe we should go through there." I replied.

As we got to the edge of the trail up the mountain, we saw a sign.
"What does it say?" Asked Jen.
"It says, training yard. Then there is a arrow pointing up the trail."
"Alright then, we better hurry!" Panted Jen.
"Yeah, let's go." I said running along side Jen.

By the time we get to the tip of the mountain, it was at least 8:00 in the morning. I look up to the training yard and see that there were barley anyone there.
"Hey, what's going on? Why isn't anyone there?" I asked Jen. She lifts her from her panting, and wipes her forehead.
"Uh... I don't know. Maybe if we walk around, we can find out were they are." Panted Jen. I nodded my head, and we walked to the empty training yard. The training yard pretty much was like ours, but there was snow on the ground. As I walk around kicking the snow, I run into someone. I hit my head on their's, and back away holding my head with my hand.
"Ouch, sorry about that, I should really look where I'm going." I say looking to the person. He lifted his head, and looked at me in a way I can't explain.
"Hey, you ok?" I asked taking a step towards the man.
"Don't come near me!" Snapped the man backing away.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"Get away from me!" Yelled the man.
"What's your problem?" I ask getting annoyed. I walk closer to him, trying to see if I can notice anything wrong with him.
"GET AWAY FROM ME YOU MONSTER!" Screamed the man. I stop dead in my tracks, my eyes widened. Did he just call me a 'monster'? I move into a stance where my feet are slightly spread apart, and my arms dangle from my shoulders. I lower my head and stare at the ground.

"What did you call me?" I ask, feeling my blood boil.
"I called you a monster! Your the type of person who hates humanity, who hates everyone in these walls. Your the type if person who wants everyone to DIE!" Answers the man.
"Oh, you think I'm basically a traitor?" I asked very calmly.
"I don't think, I know! So how about you crawl back to the filthy cave you came from, you monster!" The man snapped. I hear someone running towards me and the man, probably Jen.

"Hey what's going here?" Asked Jen. She walked in between me and the man.
"Jen, I guess I'm a monster." I say.
"Because you are!" Yelled the man again.
"Excuse me, but she's not a monster. To be honest, she's the exact opposite." Jen says with a smile across her face. I lift my head up and smile. I get a final glimpse of the jerk, and walk away. As I'm walking away, I hear Jen say to the man "If you really think she's a monster, then go run. Like the chicken  you are." Jen catches up to me and I let out a small chuckle.
"Thank you, if you haven't came, I would have probably broken that guy's jaw." I laugh.
"Yeah, knowing you, you were probably planning what exact move to throw at him." Laughs back Jen.

As we'er walking along the side of another mountain, looking for someone to ask where we have to go, a piece of ice falls from the cliff. I look up and see a massive ice boulder rolling down the mountain, rolling in our direction. I grab onto Jen's wrist and begin running.
"What are you doing?" asked Jen.
"Shut up, we need to run. Now!" I say pulling her. We make it out of the way of the ice boulder, and we stand there trying to regain our breath.
"Thanks." Said Jen smiling.
"No problem." I reply. I stand up straight to catch my breath. As I do I look up and see snow falling down, an avalanche.
"Oh my god." I whisper as my eyes widen to the sight. I turn my head over to Jen and yell "WE NEED TO GO, NOW!" She looks at me then to the sky. As I grab onto her wrist, I saw her eyes widen to the sight. I begin to run away from the cliff, pulling Jen with me. We continue to run away from the mountain, as fast as we could. I turn my head to see if we are getting away, but it was the opposite. The avalanche was ten feet away from us. As we'er running I can feel the vibrations of the heavy snow.
"Jen, hold onto my hand at all times, don't let go!" I yelled. She nods her head, and wraps her hand with mine. We both tighten our grip. We continue to run, until the snow finally catches up to us, knocking us over. As I roll along with the snow, I notice I can't feel Jen's hand. I try to open my eyes, but I quickly shut them because of the snow getting in them.

Finally I stop moving. I try to move my arms and legs, but I fail. The pressure of the snow was very heavy. I eventually open my eyes, and see that there is a space around my head. I look over to the side, and see a hand sticking through the opening near my head. It was Jen's, lifeless hand.

Attack on Titan: The New Generationحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن