Zayn was hesitant.

"You have?"

"Yeah, but don't worry. I vowed to keep my mouth shut. You're good."


"Do you mind having a seat? Harry said to ask you to wait. He needed a quick fifteen minute shower and then he'll be back out."

Zayn raised his brow. He was quite intrigued. Harry wanted him to wait? That was a good sign.

"I just waited outside in the cold for like thirty minutes. I suppose I could wait fifteen more in the warmth."


When Zayn sat down, he thought Niall was going to talk to him the whole time they were waiting. But instead Niall told him he was going to the guest bedroom to get ready for bed and he left him there alone.

Fifteen minutes Later, Harry emerged from the hallway, wearing pajamas and holding a stack of five boxes wrapped. Then he began to arrange them around the tree.

"Wow." Zayn said.

"Yeah, I had to keep these hidden in my bedroom closet for the last month. If he found them, he might think Santa comes early or something." He responded with a low tone.

"Nice. So he believes in Santa."

"Do you hate that?"

"No. I don't hate it. He's still young. But he will figure out he's not real one day."

"I know and I dread that day because it'll mean he's growing up."

"Like he is now?"

"Pretty much."

He chuckled. "Yeah. Well, enjoy it now. I heard these years go by fast."

"Seems like it already rings true."

Zayn nodded and watched Harry rise to his feet.

"Would you like some homemade hot chocolate? Because I could really go for a cup with marshmallows, whipped cream and everything."

"Uh... yeah. Sure. Why not?"

"Okay. I'll be back."

It turned out that by homemade, he really meant homemade. Harry liked to make his hot chocolate with milk and cocoa and chocolate chips and much more. By the time he finished, he had two mugs of hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows on top.

"Oh wow. You really went all out." Zayn said as he observed the tray on the table.

"It's the least I can do for the father of my son. I hope you like it."

"Let me try it and see."

Zayn was very careful when he picked up his mug and sipped from it.

"Mmm. That is delicious. That job at the Barista really paid off."

Harry smiled.

"It certainly did. And thank goodness too. Because as much coffee as I made, I don't even drink it. I need something to keep me warm in the winter."

Zayn sipped once more then set his mug back down on the tray.

"Maybe you could teach me how to make that. So I can make it for my family."

"Hmm. I'm not big on just giving away secrets. But we'll see."

Now Harry sipped some of his own hot chocolate.

"So... since you mentioned your family..." He then said.

"What about them?"

"Do they know about me and Benjamin yet? I mean I know I didn't ever meet them back then but I mean now."

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