Headcanons/ Daisuke, Himawari, and Hanako

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*General headcanons abt the cutest and younger generation within the Boruto era!


🌼Himawari/ Naruto and Hinata's baby

💜Daisuke/ Sasuke and Haru's baby

🌸Hanako/ Shinji and Sakura's baby


• Hanako is the lil leader of their group LOL

• She's the most outspoken out of the three kids!

• Auntie Haru is her favorite person in the entire universe besides her parents (and actually styles her hair like Haru did when she was her age)

• Her long pink hair is always up in two Dutch braids with her cute little bangs!💕✨

• Hanako and Himawari have always been best friends (literally since birth LOL)

• Hanako is an Aries like her mama!

• Daisuke is a Gemini!

• Himawari is a Leo!

• Himawari is by far the calmer friend and tries maintaining the peace when playing with the two cousins and other kids 😭

• Daisuke's our shy baby who lowkey hides behind cousin Hanako for protection WNWJWN

• It's okay she protects him and fights/screams at anybody who may be mean to him 😭💖

• Ever since Daisuke's eyes returned to their blue states, flocks of kids have wanted to enter his friend group/many kids have formed crushes on him

• Hanako somehow sees right through them though, and is very protective of her cousin 😭😭

• Himawari is the same way, she's suspicious of all these new kids suddenly wanting his attention 👀

• All the kids know better than to mess with hima and Hanako though LOL

• They all have weekly sleepovers at each other's houses 😭

• Daisuke and Auntie Hinata rlly get along because he likes her calm personality 😭😭💜💜

• Daisuke might have a teeny tiny crush on Himawari WNWNWJW but he doesn't even know it 😭 it's just a kiddie crush, and it's the cutest thing ever

• Hanako's crystal style is pink!

• Hanako is convinced that her two best friends will get married when they're all older LOL

• Hanako begs auntie Haru to train her but instead Haru just takes her to the pool and cooks her food so she complies with that 💀

• Himawari and hanako like hanging out most with Haruki and Daisuke!!

• Haruki takes them all to the gardens and they help her plant and water the flowers 🥲💖

• (Haruki also hides in himawari's room whenever she's at the Naruhina household to avoid Boruto WNWJW)

• When they hang out with Runa she just gives them soda and lets them run around the backyard freely WJWKW (like mother like daughter)

• Hanako and Himawari have both tried getting their siblings (Ruki and Boruto) to talk to each other, and Daisuke just helps them because he doesn't wanna make Hanako mad 💀😭

• Hanako is ready to throw hands at all times LMAO

• They all get into battles abt who's dad is better

• "my dad is hokage!!"

• "my dad is taller than yours and cooler!"

• "No uncle Shinji is silly! My dad is cooler than both of yours!"

• "...hm...uncle Sasuke is really cool-"

• They all end up agreeing that Naruto is the coolest though WKWKWK

• Daisuke is the shortest out of the trio and hanako is the tallest! (He's gonna have a major growth spurt when he's older though)

• Hanako threatens school kids w auntie Haru LMAO "My auntie is gonna beat you up!!!"

• Whenever Daisuke is at the hospital the girls always make sure to visit him and help him feel better 😭😭😭

• overall they're a super adorable trio

• Naruto already knows he's gonna pair the three of them up for when they have a genin team ❤️


Hey my lovelies! ✨❤️💖💕

I hope you guys enjoyed these cute little fun facts abt our cutest kids!

I love all of them so much! What'd you'd think?

Pls hanako kills me she's a little spit fire and the way hima and Daisuke just go along with it 😭💀

Daisuke's baby crush on hima wnwjwj 💖💕

What other side or main characters would you like to see general headcanons from?

As always, I hope you guys enjoyed! If you have any more thoughts, questions, requests, or opinions be sure to lmk in the comments!! 💖

See you all next chap! 🎆💖💕

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