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The blue light gradually leaked from the broken piece she was holding. Eclise looked at it as if he had been completely possessed. The blue glowed over his grayish pupil.

"But the Princess hates you. You are a pitiful and miserable person. You're nothing more but a slave from a defeated country."

Yvonne whispered her brainwashing.

"So don't trust her too much. She's so cold and arrogant, if you get on her nerves, she may send you back to the slave market or kill you."


"You know the scary rumors about the Princessright, Eclise? Today, what she did to you proves that."


"I'm the only one you can trust. We're the only two in the world. We're in the same boat." "Why are you and I in the same situation? For my Master, you have to die someday."

Yvonne, who was whispering in the other person's ear with her body clasped over the bars, suddenly stopped.

He rarely opened his heart to her, even though she had been shown dozens of times the blue-colored mirror.

Too much time had passed just to plant hatred for the fake princess who doesn't love him.

Despite being distracted by the artifacts, Yvonne changed her face as she looked at Eclise, who showed a strong obsession with Penelope.

"I need to find the piece quickly."

All traces of her innocent and angel-like appearance disappeared from her face.

She murmured at the end, collecting the piece she had taken out with a distorted face like a demon.

* * * * (Penelope POV)

Yvonne arrived sooner than expected due to a long delay.

While climbing the stairs, I hurriedly hid behind the door at the sound of footsteps. And the sight that happened was just a wonder and horror.

Watching everything the heroine did, I climbed the stairs with my frantic beating chest and breathless. When I finally got out of the building, I barely held back a piercing scream.

"It was real."

All the things I saw in Soleil, weren't an illusion.

* * * *

I ran through the woods in fear, as if I was being chased by someone. Maybe the heroine noticed me, and will come after me with that blue-colored piece of mirror.

I almost fell over many times from looking back. I could see the huge, brightly lit mansion from a distance. Not long after, I got out of the woods and arrived at the mansion.

"Ha, ha"

I slowly returned to my senses with the beautifully lit mansion around me. At that moment, the strength in my legs left and I was about to collapse.

I managed to hold onto the tree next to me and kept breathing roughly. My heart calmed down little by little.

When the fear was gone to some extent, I realized that I had left without the disguise. I hurriedly took the bracelet out of my pocket and put it on my wrist. After a while, the purple jewels flashed.


I trudged along with a sign of relief or maybe it was of pain.

It was when I reached the back door of the mansion. Someone was walking nervously along the door. "Emily."

I called her quietly. "Miss…!"

Emily jumped in place and tried to call out to me. When she saw my transformed figure, she closed her mouth. She stamped her feet and whispered to me quickly.

[Part 2] Death Is The Only Ending For The Villain (FOR OFFLINE READING PURPOSE) Where stories live. Discover now