Chapter 1: Prequel

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I walked up to the doors of the Westside Mental Hospital. It was my first day and I was a little nervous. I took a deep breath before walking in. I was immediately greeted by a woman
  "Hey there, you must be Y/N! I'm so happy to meet you! My name is Lucy, AKA LouLou. But call me whatever you prefer. Professor Don Williams said you would be arriving and told me to come get you and bring you to his office. So follow me and we'll get you started. You'll love it here! Yes, there are some ups and downs, but trust me, you'll get used to them real fast." The woman explained.
  "Oh ok. Thank you. It's a pleasure to meet you, Lucy." I said, following her down a hall.
  "Oh by the way, Professor Williams can be a bit of a grump at first. And kinda rude to newbies.... But don't take it personally. It's just him." Lucy said, chuckling.
  "Ok will do." I said, chuckling a little as well.
  "So if I'm correct, me or TK will be training you in. Mostly getting you comfortable with the new surroundings, and used to filing paperwork for the patients. Today you'll more than likely just be taking a tour and going over some paperwork that Professor Williams will give you. But tomorrow is when we will assign you with your first patient. Clearly we will have you assigned with a green flaged patient to start. It'll be awhile before you advance to yellow or red." Lucy explained.
  "Ah, I see. All that I know is I'm excited to be here." I said, smiling.
  "That's very good to hear!" Lucy said, stopping in front of a door with a smile.
She knocked a little.
  "Come in." A voice muttered.
Lucy opened the door and we both walked in.
  "Hello Professor Williams. I brought you Y/N, like you asked." Lucy said.
The man looked up and nodded, signaling for Lucy to leave. She did, closing the door behind her.
  "You may take a seat, Y/N L/N." He said.
I sat down with a smile.
  "I'm assuming Lucy went over a majority of how day 1 will go for you?" He asked.
  "Yes sir." I said.
  "That's good. So I'll give you some paperwork to sign/go over. You can do them when you get home, since the tour will take up a majority of the day today." Professor Williams said.
  "Ok. And she said tomorrow I'll be assigned my first patient, is that correct?" I asked.
  "I'll have TK be your trainer. They will help guide you and go over what to do and what not to do. But I'm assuming you know exactly what to do. They'll help with your first patient for the next few weeks. Once I see progress, I'll remove you from the trainee list. Usaully it doesn't last more than a month. But according to your school files, you look like you were the top of your class, so I see a great future for you, Y/N." He said, smiling a little.
  "Thank you sir. I won't let you down." I said.
He slid over a folder of paperwork.
  "Now, tell Lucy to take you to TK. Let's get you on that tour." He said.
I picked it up and stood up.
  "Have a good rest of your day Y/N. I do not know if I'll see you when you leave or not, but I will be seeing you tomorrow." He said.
  "You too sir. Once again, I thank you." I said.
He nodded and I exited the room.
  "Hey Lucy?" I said, looking around.
I saw her on my left. She smiled and walked over to me.
  "I'm assuming you need me to take you to see TK?" She asked.
I nodded.
  "Ok then. Off we go." Lucy said, walking off.
We walked into an employees only room. Lucy walked up to someone with green hair and glasses, who had their face in their hands, tapping them on the shoulder.
  "What do you want, Lucy?" They muttered.
  "TK, you'll be giving our newest member, Y/N, a tour of the hospital." Lucy said.
They're head popped up and they looked at me, immediately standing up from the chair they were in.
  "Hi there, I'm TK." They said, smiling softly.
They held out a hand. I shook it, smiling back.
  "Y/N." I said.
  "Now I'll be off. Be nice TK." Lucy said.
TK frowned at her before looking back at me with a smile.
  "So, I'm giving you a tour, eh. This'll be interesting. The only parts I don't think we will get to are the red zones. Those are more dangerous and I think Professor Williams is the only one able to take trainees there for the first few times." TK explained as we exited the room and started walking down the halls.
  "Ok. Have you been in the red zones?" I asked.
  "Yeah. It's usaully fine during the day, but some patients like to try and escape at night. And even during the day, but it's not as common. I worked in the red zones for awhile but... I didn't care for it. Too many incidents happen." TK explained.
  "Mk." I said.
We continued the tour, talking and laughing. TK was very friendly. So was nearly everyone I met. After the tour I headed home and did all the paperwork. I then called my parents, letting them know how the first day went. They were glad I had fun and couldn't wait for how my future was gonna turn out. And to be honest, me too.

(955 words)

Peter/YB X Female Reader // Insane Love // DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now