Konoha's Comes Crashing Down: Part 1

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"So that's the Last Uchiha huh? Doesn't seem like much." The Raikage stated in a neutral tone as Hiruzen just chuckled along with the Kazekage. Naruto just stood by the rail with his hair blowing in the wind. He stared down on his teammate with a narrowed look with cold blue eyes as Akeno stood beside him.

"Tch. Fucking show off." Naruto cursed as he pulled out a cigarette and put it in his mouth before lighting it up. He inhaled the smoke into his lungs before releasing it from his mouth.

"You know Naruto-kun, those will kill you." Akeno said softly as Naruto just looked at her with a blank look before turning back to the fight.

"I know. But that isn't the case with me. I'm sending chakra to my lungs so it won't be that dangerous. Plus I have the Kyubbi sealed within me." Naruto told his future wife before putting the cigarette back in his mouth. "Plus, if I die like this, then so be it." Naruto said softly but Akeno heard him.

"Are you not afraid of death?" Akeno asked with a tilted head causing Naruto to slightly blush at her cuteness.

"Tell Akeno, why should we be afraid of death? We came into this world without fear we should accept leaving this world without fear as well when the time comes for us to leave this world." Naruto said as he watched Sasuke and Gaara fight and he had to admit, he was slightly impressed in Sasuke's improvement. What he didn't realize was that he had caught the attention of everyone in the Kage Booth.

"But what about the people that are scared of dying Naruto-kun?" Akeno asked in a confused tone as she watched Naruto blow smoke from his mouth.

"Then those people are filled with regrets. Those are people who are filled with guilt about things they have done during their lifetime. People who have did wrong to other people. People who have done unforgivable acts during life. People who know there is nothing good for them after they die. People who know that their soul will be stuck in the Shinigami's belly for eternity." Naruto said darkly sending shivers down the surrounding ninjas back. "But then, you have those who have killed for fun and accept they will be in hell for eternity so they will accept death with a smile on their face." Naruto said as watched Sasuke run up the wall.

-In another Universe-


"Bless you/Bless you."

"Thanks Kurama and Diabolo. Whew! I don't know why, but I feel like somebody was talking about me." A red eye boy said with a crazed look on his face.

"Nobody is talking about your crazy ass Naruto. It's just your fucking allergies." Kurama said bluntly.

"Explain to me how in flying fuck, do I have allergies Kurama? I've never been sick a day in my life-"

"Cap." Diabolo interrupted causing Naruto's eyebrow to twitch.

"Shut the fuck up Diabolo. You know what the fuck I meant! You don't have to fucking remind that I'm fucking dying." Naruto yelled mentally.

"I was just saying that because you said you've never been sick. It just slipped out of my mouth." Diabolo explained.

"....Shut the fuck up or I won't let you take control of my body no more." Naruto said darkly.

"Yes Sir!!!" Diabolo saluted as he sat down causing Kurama to sweatdrop.

"As I was saying," Naruto cleared his throat. "If I haven't been sick before-"

"But you are-"

"DIABOLO!!! Not a single fucking word!" Naruto yelled scaring his split personality who gulped and shook in fear.

"H-Hai...sorry." He apologized as he hid behind Kurama from Naruto's glare. Naruto sighed before turning back to Kurama.

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