Enter The Finals: Naruto vs Neji!

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"Now remember Akeno, when we get here, you will keep your other bloodline a secret. Am I understood?" The Raikage asked his niece as she nodded with a soft smile.

"Yes sir." She answered as she began walking with him up to the Kage Section. Once they made their way up there, the Raikage gasped in shock as he saw a younger Hiruzen sitting in the Hokage seat with a smirk.

"I-Is that really you Hokage-dono?" Ay asked as Hiruzen chuckled and nodded. "Wow...what happened to you? You look younger and from what I'm sensing, your chakra reserves are of the charts!" Ay stated as he sat down in his seat. Akeno stood beside her uncle with the same soft smile.

"That's for me to know and you all to find out." Hiruzen chuckled as Ay scoffed. "Tell me Raikage-dono, is this the young girl known as Akeno?" Hiruzen asked as Ay gained a cocky smirk.

"Indeed she is! Come Akeno and introduce yourself!" Ay said as Akeno came in front of the Hokage and bowed her head.

"Greetings Lord Hokage, my name is Akeno Himejima. It's a pleasure to meet you." She said respectively as Hiruzen gave her a warm smile.

"Rise your head child. It's a pleasure to finally meet the Raikage's niece and his strongest Chunin." Hiruzen chuckled as Akeno smiled brightly before returning back to her original spot. Ay then looked at Hiruzen with a serious look.

"So did the boy agree, Hiruzen-dono?" Ay asked as Hiruzen nodded.

"Yes. He wishes to go through with marriage." Hiruzen answered as Ay smiled.

"I can't wait to meet the brat! Tell me Hiruzen, how does the young Namikaze look?" Ay asked with slight enthusiasm in his voice.

"Exactly like his father. Hairstyle and all. He's basically a Mini-Minato. It's as if Minato was reincarnated." Hiruzen answered truthfully. The crowd began to roar loudly as Hiruzen smirked.

"It seems the Finals are about to began." Hiruzen stated as he stood up and walked up closely to the rail, causing the crowd to cheer louder. He raised his hand to silence the crowd. He then added chakra to his voice box before he began talking.

"Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen, Ninja and Kunoichi, to the Chunin Exams Finals!" Hiruzen yelled as everyone began to cheer again, causing him to raise his again with a smile. "Today, is a day where these selected genin that have passed on to the finals, will show whether or not they are ready to become a Chunin. Are they ready to become a Chunin? Do they deserve to be a Chunin? Are they worthy of becoming a Chunin. All of that will be decided to day! So sit back and grab some snacks...and let the Finals begin!" Hiruzen finished as he walked back to his seat as everyone went into an uproar.

(A/N: And if you get that last reference, I salute you my fellow samurai.)

-Down in the Arena-

"Now listen here and listen good. These fights are strictly a one-on-one match. Killing is aloud but we strongly hope it doesn't come to that. When I say the fight is over, it is over. Do I make myself clear?" The proctor, Genma Shiranui, stated with a narrowed look as most of the genin nodded there head, except for Gaara.

"Now, can I get Neji Hyūga and Naruto Uzumaki to stay where you are and the rest of you go up in the waiting area until it's your turn?" As the genin disappeared from the arena except for Neji. Gemma looked around for Naruto and sighed.

"Due to Naruto Uzumaki not being here, he is dis-" Genma was interrupted by a huge yellow lightning bolt striking in the arena. The clouds were darker than usual and the winds had picked up in tremendous speed. Where the lightning bolt had struck, a figure came walking out of the crater. That figure was none other than Naruto Uzumaki.

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