37- Days

415 5 2

F: "Hey" I said as I walked over to the bed where Sam was laying.
S: "Hi" she smiled and put her phone on the dresser. I climbed into bed with her and she layed down on my chest.
F: "How are you so beautiful?" I said as I looked down at Sam's beautiful face.
S: "I don't know." She looked up at me, "How are you so nerdy?" Sam smiled at me.
F: "Shh," Sam chuckled at me as she turned her self around and rested her chin on my chest.
S: "You make me happy"
F: "You make me happy too" I said and brushed a piece of her hair behind her ear.
S: "You're perfect for me, don't ever think anything different"
F: "You're the perfect one for me too" I replied. Sam lifted her chin up to kiss me so I leaned and gave her a kiss.
S: "I love you" she smiled.
F: "I love you too" I said stroking her hair.

(A/N I'm so sorry)


Next day:

S: "Morning, Freddie"
F:  "Nooo, it's too early, babe"
S: "Oh My Crab cakes! Just get up!"
F: "Fine, I'll get up" he said and sat up.
S: "Thank you" Freddie got of bed and put his robe and slippers on.
F: "What do you want to eat?" He said as he put on the last slipper.
S: "Toast"
F: "See you in a minute" Freddie said.
S: "Bye" Sam said as she watched him walk through the door.

10 Mins Later:

S: "Sorry I took so long, "mother" called" I said, walking through the kitchen door.
F: "Oh, is she ok?" Freddie asked whilst he turned his head to me.
M: "Yeah," I sighed "she was just lecturing me on why it was a bad idea to move in with you, again"
F: "Did she say: 'you'll only win an eating contest"
S & F: " '-if you're by yourself" " I joined in.
S: "Yep" I said simply and sat down on the counter.
F: "Oh, I'm sorry" Freddie said sympathetically whilst giving me my food.
S: "Thank you" I smiled; he smiled back.
F: "I wish your mum didn't hate me so much" he said sadly. Freddie sat down next to me and started eating his toast.
S: "She doesn't hate you she just wants me to be the best eater I can be"
F: "Whatever" Freddie mumbled sadly.
S: "But, what my "mum" doesn't get, is that I will only be the best I can be when I'm with you" I told him.
F: " I love that you've gone all soft now" Freddie said teasingly.
S: "Oh shush" I said and playfully hit his arm.

(A/N I'm so sorry u had to experience that)


Sam and Freddie's room:

F: "You look beautiful" Freddie said as he came over to me, putting his arms around my waist from behind. I was standing in the mirror checking my outfit.
S: "Thank you"
F: "You're welcome" Freddie replied and kissed the side of my head.
S: "Come on, we've got to get that bus or we'll be late, and that is not happening" I said sternly. We then left the room and walked down stairs.
S: "You ready to go?" I said picking up my bag.
F: "Yes" he nodded
S: "Good" I said whilst opening the door.

Walking to the bus stop:

F: "I triple checked your bag this morning, and mine, so if any problems occur then we'll have to do some rigorous research" Freddie informed me.
S: "I don't care"
F: "Are you going to meet me for lunch after your science class?"
S: "When do I not?" I said as soon as we got to the bus stop.
F: "How long until the bus?"
S: "Exactly," I looked at my phone. "1 minute"
F: "Great, we made it on time" Freddie said proudly.
S: "When have we ever been late?" I pointed out to him.
F: "That is true" he said and walked behind me, placing his hands on my hips.
F: "I love you"
S: "Good for you" I said as he rolled his eyes at me.

Seddie One Shots ♥️Where stories live. Discover now