33- Holiday Blues

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No ones POV:

F: "Sam, Sammy" he sang to Sam as he stroked her hair. They were lying on the couch in Carly's apartment; Sam's head in Freddie's lap and her legs sprawled out onto the right side of the couch.
S: "Ugh, babe" she groaned. "Why did you wake me up?"
F: "Because we've go to get going. Miami is far away and we have to drive there"
S: "Wait.. so you woke me up at 10 am just so I can walk down to the RV, just to fall asleep again as soon as I get in there?"
F: "Yes and no, yes because I woke you up so we can go down to the RV, and no because I'm not letting you sleep anymore in the RV. And before you say anything mean back, I'm not letting you sleep because I let you sleep all day with me in my apartment yesterday and night."
S: "Whatever, but I do have to talk to you about something" she said simply and got up off the couch.
F: "I love you" he smiled up at her.
S: "I hate you" She smiled back.

Freddie looked at her straight faced before jogging over to his apartments and getting his bag. He couldn't help but have his heartbroken at what Sam said. She'd been saying it all week. Every time he said "I love you" she just took it as nothing and said "I hate you" back. They do love each other and have said "I love you/ I love you too" numerous times before, so Freddie couldn't understand why she was acting like this.

Freddie's POV:

I just got back from my apartment and am on my way down to the RV. I still can't get over what Sam said to me. Ugh!! I don't want to talk to her but at the same time I miss her even though I've only been away from her for 10 minutes.

At the RV:

F: "Hey Spence" I said getting into the RV.
Sp: "Yo Freddo" I smiled a bit and went to the back of the RV.

I sat down in the love seat on the left side of the RV and just stared out the window. I then heard the girls whisper:

S: "He's not gonna let this go is he?" Sammy said to Carly.
C: "Nope" the girls rolled there eyes and chuckled.

20 mins later:
Sam's POV:

C: "I think you should go talk to him" Carly whispered to me.
S: "I know..." I sighed. Spencer then decided to play the radio really loudly so now I'm gonna get a headache.

Sp: "Sorry the engine is really loud so I thought music would be a nicer loud sound" he screamed.

C: "Well, turn it down a bit then!" Carly shouted and rolled her eyes at him.

I acted reluctant to get up when actually I did wanna talk to him;I feel quite bad about what I've been doing this week and I thought the make out sessions would make up for it, but clearly not.

I walked over to Freddie and gave his cheek a kiss before I put my right arm around him and turned him around to the front, he looked at me but didn't smile. I sat down next to him and put my left arm around his shoulders. I leaned my head and chest forward so I could try see his face, that was turned away from me a bit. Freddie just got out his phone and read the new article on 'IT FOR TEENS', which is his favourite magazine and I buy it for him every time I go see my Uncle Carmine in prison. I just rested back into his chest, moving my arm down to his torso, and he gave my forehead a kiss but kept reading his news thingy.

Him being mad at me isn't gonna help me tell him what I want to talk to him about. I love him so much... and I- he's the best thing that has happened to me. He's kept me out of prison, helped me get into college with him and Carly, has looked after me, fed me and got me out of my toxic home. Fredlumps has turned me into a softie but I kinda like it...

10 mins later:
Freddie started doing some science homework that I haven't done yet because I'm Sam, and I never do homework or I do it the day before it's due in. I looked to see what science he was doing and it was 'How Do Scientists Repair Heart Problems?' oh great... I break huis heart and now he has to learn about them. Ugh! I can't believe I said 'I hate you' to him. He shut off his phone and put it back in his pocket as he rested his head on mine.
F: "I'm sorry" he said with guilt.
S: "Why are you sorry?" I chuckled.
F: "Because I've been pushing you to say 'I love you too' a lot and I gave you the silent treatment" he said and kissed my forehead.
S: "Look..." I said and moved so I was looking at him. I had my legs crossed over like you would do in kindergarten.
S: "Baby... I should be the one who's sorry. I've been completely unfair to you and I haven't given you the respect you deserve and should have. I love you and I guess I'm just nervous about what I have to tell you. I'm sorry and I promise to say I love you from now on" I said and kissed him but he didn't kiss back.
S: "Ummm... babe?" I said caressing his cheek.
F: "Do you really love me as much as you say? Because I'm not getting my heart broken again" he said quietly as his voice broke. "I mean out of everyone... you. Sam Puckett. Chose me, the nerdy kid and the guy who is bullied constantly by the football team, over some bad guy. Everyone is scared or looks up to you in school and everyone just laughs down at me"
S: "Oh Freddie..." I sighed and hugged him really tightly.
S: "I do love you... so much. I'll prove it even more to you when you hear what I have to tell you later but what else has been happening? Tell me... I'll listen" I said, stroking his hair.
F: " *sigh* Well, my mums cancer is getting worse, I'm trying to keep up my grades so when I get to our our of college I'll go on to do good things, I'm trying to keep you happy, " he pulled back and lied down on my chest and I rested my arms on his shoulders, my hands landing on his stomach. "I have to manage iCarly and the AV Club and... " he chocked up. "I have to go to do my finals and handle my job... it's just hard baby..." he said tears streaking down his face. "The bullying is getting worse. I keep getting beaten up in PE just because I beat them at the weights. And because I'm stronger them I should be able to hit them back, but I just stand there... paralysed with fear, making me look like more of a wimp" I leaned down and we kissed and I then wiped some treats from his face with my right hand. "My mum's doctor said that her cancer isn't worse. She just looks ill because the skin cancer was just newly removed and the medication is really strong. I told my mum I'd stay with her this week and she told me to go, even though I wanna be with her. Anything could happen to her, Sam. And it would be my fault because I wasn't there with her." Freddie said shakily. "It's just hard right now, you know?"
S: "Yeah.." I chocked up. "Freddie, firstly, I will hurt anyone who is rude to you so if something happens then tell me and I'll kill them. But also, if you want to go home and look after your mum then I'll come help you. Your mum is kind of like my mum now since I moved in."
F: "Thanks Sammy, but I'm gonna go to Miami. I need a break"
S: "Ok" I said and kissed his lips. "But promise me one thing"
F: "What is it?" He said and looked up at me.
S: "Don't keep these things from me anymore"
F: "I pwomise" he said in a baby voice, teasingly, and kissed me.
S: "l love you"
F: "I love you too, Sam" he said. He moved onto his side and fell asleep on my lap. I stroked his hair and kissed his head.
S: "I'll always protect you..." I whispered to him.

Seddie One Shots ♥️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu