32- Coming Out

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S: "Freddo!!" Sam shouted walking into Freddie's apartment.
F: "I'm in my room!" He shouted back.
S: "Okay!" She screamed and walked to his room, her knees shaking. Sam was about to talk to Freddie about something she has had on her mind for a while now. She thought about who she should tell first, at first Sam thought Carly, then Wendy, then Melanie but she finally decided it was Freddie who should be the first to know, considering that's her boyfriend.

S: "Babe?" Sam said slowly opening the door to Freddie's bedroom.
F: "Hey Sam" he smiled up from his desk. She leaned down and kissed his lips. Sam walked behind him and wrapped her arms around him.
S: "Look," she sighed "I gotta tell you something and it's really important..."
F: "Ok" he said and logged off the computer.
F: "What's wrong?" He said leading her to the edge of his bed.
S: "It's not something that's really wrong... but I'm..." she breathed out "I'm bi..." she said avoiding eye contact.
F: "Oh, that's fine" he said and smiled at her.
S: "What?" She said shocked.
F: "It's totally fine. There's nothing wrong with it." She smiled at him. "I don't really mind, I mean that in a good way of course. But, one question"
S: "Go ahead"
F: "Does this change anything... for us?"
S: "No. We can just keep how we are now"
F: "Good" he smirked at her.
S: "Look," she moved closer to Freddie and cupped his cheek "I love you and even though I may be bi, I know that you are my soulmate and if things workout with us then I'll love that. You are my world, ok? And I'm not gonna change anything" she smiled and kissed his lips.
F: "I love you too" Freddie smiled back.

Seddie One Shots ♥️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant