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Season 1: Episode 11 : L. D. R {Part 1}

After i walked out of the party i make my way to the beach and take off my heals, letting my feet sink into the cool same

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After i walked out of the party i make my way to the beach and take off my heals, letting my feet sink into the cool same. I continue to walk around the beach until i find a nice area to sit. I then feel to sets of arms wrap around me.   

"I am so sorry Y/n. You should have never had to go through this." Brooke says as i hold my tears back.

"We have been together for two years and he has been my first everything. My boyfriend. My first kiss. The first person i could truly love. The worst part is that I thought he loved me back." I say as I finally let my tears fall down.

"He does love you y/n. When you ran off you should have seen the hurt on his face. I dont think i have ever seen him so hurt or sad. Also he didnt kiss back, he pushed her off as soon as he processed what had happened." Sophie says as i rest my head on her shoulder.

"I thought that they were done, he told me after he found out what she did at my dance compition he dumped her because he didnt want to be with a cheater." I say as i let more of my tears fall down my face. "I dont know what to do. I still love him and i dont what to lose him."

"I am sure there is a logical explanation for what has happened tonight and maybe you just need to talk to him." Brooke says as i nod a little.

"Why not? The worse thing that could happen is that he dumps me." I say laughing a bit at myself. "Lets go." I stand up and grab my heals and start walking back to the common room.  "Wait. I dont want to look like i was crying. Do any of you have make up wipes and some make up?"

"I do." Brooke then opens up her bag and gives me some make up and makeup remover. "You look great."

"So i don't look like  i was crying for the past five minutes." I ask as they both laugh at me as i slip on my heals again, along with smoothing the dress out.

"You look great." I nod and then we make our way into the common room once more.

"It is such a brilliant idea. You organized such a cool do!" Aspen says as she grips onto Leos arm.

"It looks great. They never do this in London. Great job, JJ. You too, Lee." Izzy, Aspens sister says holding onto Jacks arm just like Aspen was.

"Actually they Eagles and the girls fastball team designed and put it all together." Jack says as he looked at the ground.

"Hi, i am Hayley. Who are you?" She asks as she looks at the two new girls.

"Hi! I am Izzy. It is so nice to might you." Izzy says smiling.

"Hello. I am Aspen, her older sister." She smiles as i roll my eyes.

"Or you might know them as two little bitchs that think they can lie and cheat there way into winning. Along with using mommy and daddy's money." I say smiling as i walk up to the girls.

"Oh, y/n. It is so nice to see you again." Aspen says as i roll my eyes.

"Suck a cock." I say again rolling my eyes.

"Uhh, Izzy, Aspen, Leo and i, grew up together. We have known each other since we were five." Jack says as Izzy leans on his shoulder some more as Hayley rolls her eyes at them.

"We are child hood sweet hearts. My dad is a diplomat, and our family moved to LA when we were in kindergarten." Izzy says as she looks up at Jack with her googoo eyes. "It was a nightmare for the longest time but that was until we met these lovely men. Do you know how many songs that they have write about us?"

"No, how many?" Hayley asks as i see the tears forming in her eyes.

"Hundreds, maybe and Leo over there as written almost as many for Aspen." Izzy says as i scoff slightly. "Any way our life long dream has been to study at the singing and dance in the school in London Conservatory. So we thought that it would be a good idea to have an L.D.R."

"L,D,R?" Hayley asks.

"Long distance relationship. You know what is funny that i was the one to give them the idea to go to this school." Aspen says.

I stand there for another second and then turn around to walk away. I then get pulled back.

"Can i please explain myself?" Leo asks as he holds onto my wrist.

"You can explain yourself once i stop having the urge to rip your head off." He lets go of my wrist and i start walking away.

I head to the ravens clubhouse and move all of my stuff that was in Leos room back into mine, i also grab some other things and move back into my Eagles clubhouse room.

11 Hours After The Party

We all made our way back to the common room were we threw the party the night before

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We all made our way back to the common room were we threw the party the night before. I was not on speaking terms with Leo or Jack, so i spent th night with the Eagles.

I made my way down the stairs with Brooke and Sophie wth our cleaning supplies in hand. "This is stupid." I complain. "If any one should be cleaning this mess up it should be he should not be named one and two and she who shall not be named one and two."

The girls and i make our way over to some of the food that was left on the counter and start cleaning.

"This is gross." Sophie says as she picks up some of the food that was on the walls.

"Why do we have to be here? I mean sure, Alex started it but the Ravens lost the challenge and should have clean up." Brooke says as she throws some food into the trash bag i was holding.

"I couldn't agree more." I mumble as i gag at the smell of the food.

"Hey, do you think maybe we could have a second to talk?" Leo says as i roll my eyes.

"She doesn't want to talk to you, Cruz. So move along and go find your other girlfriend to go and kiss." Brooke says as we all turn away and walk off.

"I can not take this. I cant just avoid him. This will only end bad and uhh, i dont know what to do." I say as i vent to both of the girls.

"It's okay. I will talk to my dad and see if I can get us out of the cleaning so we can talk about your boy problems and get your mind off of everything." Brooke says as i nod.

"Go for it. I dont know hat your father could do but go for it." I smil at the girl as she nods and runs off.

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