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Season 1: Episode 9: Steph {Part 2}

"Sophie, where have you been? I have been looking all over for you

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"Sophie, where have you been? I have been looking all over for you." Tammy calls out, as she gets up from her seat. "There is a problem with the boys locker room."

Sophie looks confused as she looks over at the boys laughing on the couches. "What seems to be the problem?"

"They stink! You would never guess what i found next t my toothbrush this morning." Tammy then pulls up a sock from the table.

All of the girl cringe at the sight. "Well, they are boys and to make matters worse they are sport boys. So, crank the messiness up ten notches." I say as i back away from the sock.

"I am so over cleaning up after them." Emily says as the lowers Tammy's hand down to get rid of the sock.

"You are right. I will go talk to them." Sophie say as she takes the sock and walks over to were the boys are playing there video games.

"Hey, guys. I wantto talk to you about the mess that is starting to pile up in you guys locker room." Sophie says as she walks over and try's to get there attention.

"Ohh, 5-3!" Daniel says totally ignoring Sophie as they other boys follow along.

"It is not over yet. It ain't over." Parker shouts as they continue there game.

"Parker!" Sophie shouts a little more annoyed.

"Throw the sock at him." I whisper to her as i walk up to the game and turn it off as i hear Parker scream as a sock lands on him.

"What would you do that for?" Parker asks as he turns. Over to look at Sophie. "And why did you turn the game off Y/n/n? I was trying to win."

"Did you even hear or listen to what Sophie was just saying or were you to busy with you video games?" I question, walking over to Sophie and crossing my arms.

"You guys aren't eve listening. I said, i wanted you guys to pitch in and help clean up the lockers." Sophie says sounding even more annoyed.

"Looks like someone's new jacket has started to go to their head." Daniel laughs as the boys follow.

"Dont act like that when we both know that you let the title of being caption d the same thing to you." I snap back at him.

"You guys need to listen to her!" Tammy shouts. "What is wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with you?" Parker mocks as him and the boys start to laugh. "Come on, Seth. Get it." Parker says as they start back up the video game.

"I am trying, but it is killing me." Seth complains as he starts.

"Sophie can i see your caption louie for a sec?" I whisper to her.

"Sure..." Sophie says questioning as she hands it to me. I tap a few of the buttons and the Tv screen goes black as the boys moan and complain.

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