You're ok

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Third Person
After some time Chester woke up just not to what he expected..
Amelia and Parker had been arguing about something that couldn't quite be made out by the smaller male he still had a strange ringing noise in his ears although it started to disappear soon enough when Parker noticed Chester had woken.
Chester rubbed his neck and leaned his head back in pain from the stab park on his abdomen...
"Chester!" Parker yelled as he noticed his friend in pain.
"Parker?.." Chester said with a small stutter as he sat in pain.
Parker walked over to the boy and knelt next to him.
"What happened back there bro?.." it felt weird the Parker calling Chester bro as he knew he developed feelings for him.
"I.. can't remember .. I just woke up here I don't remember...gah.. oh my... this hurts...." the boy said uncomfortable from all the pain he was in.
Parker looked at him and frowned he wasn't fond of seeing him this way but yet blushed at how goodbye was to the boy.
Amelia then barged in and said " are you ok dear?.."
"Ill..ill be ok.." the boy said breathing heavily.
Parker didn't realise this but he began to stare at Chester.
"Uh...Parker... are you alright?..."
Parker snapped back into reality and realise what he was doing he turned red and answered saying a simple "yes".
Slowly Chester  began to breathe heavier.
Stuttering and embarrassed the small boy decided to ask for pain killers to which Amelia gets up to get some.
Parker helps Chester try get up although he was to weak to stand alone from blood loss.
After sometime they all agree that Chester should be watched all the time just in case so someone was to help him in case of any danger.
Chester and Parker decided to go into the car while Amelia sleeps and watch the camera from there as it would generally be safer.


"Dude look there's something crawling out from under that bookshelf!" Chester yelled pointing at the camera while holding his wound in agony as the pain killers wore off.
Parker watched in shock realising that it was the room they found Chester in.
All of a sudden the thing released an agonising scream.
"Stay in the car!" Yelled Parker while he exited the car.
"Just stay in the car Chester!!" He yelled once more.
<he left the door open> Chester thought he leaned over to close the door suddenly seeing something that traumatised him.

"What!?" She answers in confusion.
"Its in the house come on!" Parker yelled still on the stairs.
As Parker reached Amelia's room he was saw her standing there not panicked what so ever.
"Come on we have to get out!" Parker yelled confused as to why the girl did not move.
"Its hungry and its already picked its food" she said with a creapy smile and just as she did there was a scream..
<Chester!> thought Parker and he immediately turned around and started to run out while the girl chased him.
"CHESTER!" He yelled while Chester laid there on the concrete very still.
Parker look only to see Amelia chasing him but still quite far behind.
Parker lifts Chester bridal style and kept him on his lap while they drive away and Amelia cursed them as they drove away.
Parker thought he would begin to cry as he held Chester's almost lifeless body as they drove to the hospital.

"PLEASE SOMEONE HELP HIM!" Parker yells as they enter the hospital holding his best friend close.
Doctors immediately ran into the lobby and took Chester questioning Parker on what happened as they made their way to the emergency room.
All Parker thought was that it was his fault and he shouldnt have left ALONE. Chester warned them and Parker didn't listen now if something were to happen he could never tell Chester how he really feels..
Chester woke up mid surgery and all parker could say while stroking his hair is "you're ok..." and repeated that over and over until Chester fell back asleep...

Parker x ChesterOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara