Dangerous meeting

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Quick A/N~ This may contain one of the characters getting hurt it may contain some sensitive topics but just to remind people this is a gay story so if your homophobic or sensitive don't continue! :D

Chester spoke slightly uneasy about the situation "dude I don't think this is safe at all... I mean a guy is sneaking in and out of her house yeah its worrying,  but why call us not the police.."
The taller male who was driving the car rolling his eyes unaffected by the same old car banter and says "bro she called us not the police and so we are going there to help her."
Chester then thinks to himself <you're just there for the girls, you don't seem to care I nearly died in all your videos guess I'm just a cameraman..>

"Bro this house seems abandoned no one should be living here..." says the smaller ginger haired male.
Parker answers with slight annoyance in his voice "Chester you need to stop insulting peoples houses we are here to help not judge her."
Chester rolls his eyes and records his best-friend as he at first hesitates but gets snapped into reality by Chester, then knocks on the door.
A taller female age 20 peeps out the door and says "are you Parker and Chester.."
Parker answers with no hesitation unlike Chester "yes that's us in guessing your Amelia? can we come in?"
Amelia nods buts adds " just be quiet my family are asleep"
Chester looks at Parker worried for comfort which Parker picks up on and says to the girl " I thought you said you live alone.."
Amelia then creepily answers with a frown " you must have miss read boys." She says as she approaches Chester and reaches out her hand to play with his hair. Chester back away as Parker steps In front of him in a protective yet jealous manner.
Parker in a calm manner tells her to back off slightly and asks if she will invite them in.
Amelia with a frown sets aside and follows after both the males leading them to the dining table.
Parker starts his interrogation as he usually would but then noticed a figure in the door way and decides to ask about it.
Amelia answers simply "that's my dad its fine he is nice just shy" she says smiling creepily.
Parker ignores this and notices instead that Chester is uneasy of course the male tries to hide this but his body language says otherwise.
Parker then asks " is it alright if we set up cameras to see what this thing that has been sneaking in has been doing."
Amelia who was still looking at Chester just gave a nod and said nothing else her eyes following Chester as they walk out the room.
While setting up cameras in awkward silence Parker deciders to break the silence and ask "hey Chester are you 0k?.." this question snaps Chester back into reality slightly confused at the question " you never ask me this during our videos are YOU ok?"
Of course Parker was ok but in this entire situation he has been having a strange feeling towards Chester and turned slightly red at the question.
"Yeah I'm fine bro I just noticed you were slightly shaking and its probably showing on the footage right now too." The taller male answers.
"I'm fine just nervous the people we visit normally do not interact with me I guess its just new.."

I'm currently in the bathroom a hot mess, what is wrong with me?? I'm usually not like this toward Chester I mean he's my best friend and I'm in here hiding in the bathroom while Chester is looking for me I just.. whenever he gets near me I can feel my face go red and I have to go sleep in the same bed as him what am I going to do..
What's that?
Is that Chester screaming?..
"CHESTER ARE YOU OK?!" I yell worried but with no response..
I rush out the bathroom and search the house..


A/N if your reading this thanks its my first story I really hope you enjoyed I've never done this before and I'm very excited to continue this story and you guys can give me some feed back!

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